"Unfortunately, Wattpad has stopped working"

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Unfortunately, Wattpad has stopped working. 

If I had a dollar for every time I saw that message on my phone I would be a rich man today. Of all the error messages I get on my phone that is far and away the one that I see the most. I first thought it maybe was my fault. Maybe I have  cheap phone with a cheap plan too lowly for the high and mighty Wattpad to work with. Maybe my equipment is simply not good enough (yes, I had trouble writing that). But then I thought why don't I just find out? So I called my provider (AT&T). A nice young lady answered the phone and I explained my problem. She of course said that the phone company had no control over third party apps and whatever problem I had with the app was something I had to take up with app makers themselves. But I persisted. I told her maybe my phone (a Samsung  Galaxy 5) just sucked. She then asked me a good question, "Well, do you have a problem like this one with any other party apps you have installed?". She nailed it. I told her thanks, I love you, have a good day, or something like that.

I don't have that problem with any other third party app I have installed. Yes, some of the apps act a little quirky once in a while but none of them stop working like good old Wattpad. I try not to do anything on the phone with it anymore. It's just not worth it. Every single time I tried to update or edit on the phone it would erase the blurb on the story I was working and remove all my tags on that story. I got in contact with Wattpad about that and they assured me that they were aware of that problem and that fix # 1,456,784,943 (slight exaggeration perhaps) was scheduled for tomorrow and my phone would update and that would never happen again. Sure enough my phone updated the next day and lo and behold it happened again. That was 2 months ago and I tried to edit something again today just for the hell of it. I went in to one of my stories on my phone and changed one word. Nothing else just one word. Saved it and checked that story and sure enough my story blurb was gone and all my tags were missing. I don't know why I even tried. You're breaking my heart Wattpad. Not really. As I write this I noticed my phone blink on the table next to my computer. Guess what the message was? Yeah, you guessed it. And my damn phone was not even on the app at all. It just decided to let me know that just in case I was even thinking about picking it up, that Wattpad was taking a break from the working world. Thanks.  

I know what you a bunch of you baby criers are going to say, "look it's free, you get what you pay for, it's still a great site, blah blah blah...". Newsflash, every app I have on my phone is free! All 120 of them. None of them are consistently having the problems Wattpad is. Ever. Stop making excuses. If something sucks then it sucks.

I guess I'll just stick to the laptop. It's not too bad. It's actually improved quit a bit over the last few months. It's easier to work with and they really don't keep updating it (thanks) as often as the damn phone apps. 

Oh, and for you psychos that say Wattpad is free,-you're crazy too. There is nothing free about it. It cost you more than you know. We'll examine that later. Till next time Wattpadders. Hope you readers are stuck with your nose in book and I hope you writers are having a great writing day (though not on the app, you'll regret it).

Remember, take a break from Wattpad once in a while. You'll feel better. 

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