Wattpad: Where writers come to die

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I'm kidding. Just thought I would come up with a title that might just get you to click on this post. You're here, it worked, let's move on.

I don't like writing. I, like many writers, instead enjoy having written something much more than the act of writing itself. I like being done with writing. I like writing only when it's finished. Anything before that is just torture. I have a story to tell and I need to write it down and get it out of me. But that is the extent of my need to write. Maybe some day I'll have no stories, or at least have no desire to share them with anyone. But that day is not close, as far as I can tell (lol this sentence).

I don't have any other needs as far is writing is concerned. I am not that much into interacting after the writing is done. As a matter of fact I was messaged the other day by someone who called me the "master of avoidance" when it came to interacting with people about my writing and updating my stories. It's true. I'll own that. It's true, though, because the writing was for me. I don't write to get feedback. I write to write. I don't write for you. Feedback is great and I appreciate it, but it is not the necessary for me to write. I'll write anyway. I do hope people read and enjoy, but that isn't what drives me to write.

A lot of people on here are not here to write, not really. They are here to get feedback. It's a drug for them. They need to be constantly told that what they wrote is special. There is nothing wrong with that. But it has little to do with writing. True writing is about you. Any idiot can make up crap and put it out there for the sake of putting it out there and have someone say it's special. Scratch that. Not any idiot can do it, but you get the point. But what good is that?

I could write what's popular and maybe be good at it (big maybe). I could write what everybody wants to read (nope). But why? Is writing really about that? I've seen more than a few writers here who started writing what they wanted to write and got nowhere. There writing was true and honest. They wrote well. They then figured out that to get reads they had to write the chick-lit and teen fiction and other bad boy stuff. It was horrendous. But they got their followers and thousands of reads. They got their interaction. They got their drug. At what cost though? I've not seen a good sentence come out of them since. Nothing real.

I'm not talking about all you guys that came in here to do just that (bad boy stuff, I'm literally rolling my eyes right now). You love to read it and you want to write it. Nothing wrong with that (still rolling). That is what you want to do (I think they are stuck now). It's your thing. More power to you (yep, they're stuck).

I am talking about those of you that started writing what you wanted to and then decided to write what made you popular and are now doing nothing but that. What happened to you? Why are you writing now?

I say write what comes from inside you and stick with that. Don't change that for anybody. And for sure don't change it for some reads and followers. They will just keep you stuck in that rut. Write for yourself. Stay true to the reason you started writing. You may never be popular,  but at least you'll be real.

Oh and disregard what I said about the title. It seems to fit nicely now.

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