Let's just be friends

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I cannot for the life of me remember how I learned about Wattpad. I tend to think somebody on Facebook mentioned it to me to after reading one of my stories, but I sure as hell don't remember right now. I am not sure I care anyway. I am so getting tired of Wattpad. 

Most of the stories that I have on Wattpad were written before I got on to Wattpad. I published them within a couple of weeks after copying and pasting them over from my writing program. I have written a few more for Wattpad and have a few running series on here, including this one.

Aside from the running series, I write everything else away from Wattpad. I don't like the format and I don't like the idea that I am writing anything "for Wattpad". I like writing for me. Since starting on Wattpad I have written 5 stories that I have intentionally kept off here because I thought they are too good for Wattpad. Not too good for the readers and writers, but too good to share on this program that seems to take so much from me. I like holding some things back. It gives me a sense of control. 

I get tired of the insistence of Wattpad. The annoying way it demands so much of your time. Insisting on notifying you of every little thing that is happening. The way it keeps you wrapped up in it's process and keeps you coming back like a junkie for the next fix. It wants you to keep writing when you don't want to and punishes you when you don't. And just when you think it has left you alone it finds new ways into your life.

Recently it changed the headers on our outgoing messages to all followers so it could trick our email setting notifications and get past them. All of a sudden I was getting notifications for "a new message from", "an new announcement", "So and so wants you to know" and my damn phone was pinging all day long again. That was a cheap shot Wattpad. You're like a stalker sometimes.

I often think of just unplugging permanently. Just write my stuff and post in on Facebook like I used to, or to not share at all. To not give a damn about stupid notifications, or rankings or any other crap from Wattpad. I guess maybe I just need a vacation from Wattpad. 

I hate you Wattpad. You're like a needy girlfriend I should have never gotten involved with. All clingy and trying to suck the life out of me. This whole affair thing was nice while it lasted. Why can't we just be friends? You know, don't call me I'll call you. Maybe. 

Hope you guys are having a good writing day.

Check out this new writer.  Go follow her.  You won't regret it. eliseanton 

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