Bullies-Uppity Wattpadder 3

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Bullies are sad people. I want to hate them but I can't. I just feel sorry for them. 

I was a cop for 20 years so I know a thing or 2 about bullies. Mostly what I know is how to handle them. I especially hate guys that hit women or verbally abuse them. There is no sorrier excuse for a human being than a man who feels better when he demeans a woman. I will never understand that. But it wasn't my job to understand it. My only concern as a cop was to handle it. Make it stop and make an effort to ensure that it didn't happen again. It wasn't  hard to do either. Just pick up the guy and arrest him. Maybe fill out a protective order or something until a court can more permanently handle the situation. Sure, I sometimes wanted to slap the guy around myself. I'm only human. But I never did. Sometimes though I think I would have saved a lot of women a lot injuries if I had. But one never knows these things. 

But then came along the damn internet. Now you can sit a world away in your own corner of the world and bully people all you want. Being face to face at least took some guts. You risked getting the crap beaten out of you. But on the internet you have all the power. You do what you want. You sit at your laptop and pretend you are the emperor of the world and see how many people you can crush under your thumb. 

It's easy to make people feel bad. It's easy to talk trash and hurt people. The internet has made it even easier. What is wrong with people that they have to make others feel so low? Why do people need to tear other people down so they can feel good?

I have seen more bullying here on Wattpad than I ever saw on Facebook. And on Facebook you could completely block people. You can't do this here so it's difficult to keep away from bullies and stalkers. But it's easier to do it here. People here are writers who put themselves out there naked to the world. They make themselves vulnerable to the kind of person that thinks they are better than others. 

Buy you know who are the worst? The Wattpad self appointed  big shots. The ones who have a few followers and maybe wrote a book that got a few reads and now they think they are the center of the universe. These are the same people who you cannot give any constructive criticism to because they will lash out on their profile and get all their little minded friends to make jokes about you. What are we in junior high school?

There are so many people here on this site that get so jealous that they are constantly lashing out at each other. There are many more who think that they are God's gift to writing that you can't look at them sideways because they will start some kind of campaign against you. 

And you can tell who they are right away. They are now so caught up in the "see how good I am and you are not" attitude that they no longer even writing. They are stuck to that one book that got thousands of reads. They don't realize that they have stopped writing. They are not producing anymore. They are not prolific. They spend all their time now talking, criticizing, and stroking each other's egos. They haven't a written a word in forever. 

What makes anybody on here think they have the right to bash someone else. Critique, sure. Offer suggestions, sure. But bash someone else to make yourself feel better? That just makes you a sad human being. Writing stories or poems directed at other people to make them feel bad about criticizing you or to make fun of their writing is just wrong. Telling other people to do the same is wrong. You need a real serious attitude adjustment. 

I have read hundreds and hundreds of stories here on Wattpad. I am no expert, but hell, there is no one single writer on this site good enough that they should feel that they can bash other writers. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU IS THAT GOOD. NO ONE IS THAT GOOD.

Remember when you first started Wattpad? When it was all about the writing? When you would write everyday like a mad person? Those were the days when you were somebody. Those were the days when you were a writer. Not now. Not when you have time to trash and bully other people. Now you are just a punk. 

Now many of you know I am fond of saying that there is no crying on Wattpad. So if a bully comes after you suck it up and move on. Don't play their game. Don't engage them because they get off on that. But still, there shouldn't be any bullying on Wattpad either. It cheapens what we do here. 

Wattpad is for people that want to share stories and become better writers and find other people who want the same. Not people who want to make exclusive little clubs or who want to be some type of writing guru for people who are not asking for one. There are no experts here. There are just good people who want to share and learn. If you are not one of them you should leave. 

Go back to being a writer. Or better yet, get off Wattpad if the only reason you get on here is to stroke your own ego. Remember, if you stay anywhere long enough someone meaner than you will eventually slap you down. It happens to all bullies. 

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