Night 1 [4AM]

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Jack: Hm... Looks like the curtains have closed again... Is it possible that when I watch this camera, he... doesn't appear?
Bonnie: This is gonna get him down the gutter. He's probably just getting used to the place. But I'd figure that he already has.
Chica: Well, you can say that again.
Bonnie: I can also say that you're pretty noisy when it comes to baking! Then you sell your potions to the kids!
Chica: Quiet, furr-ball! I'm a cook, not a chemist. I don't make potions!
Bonnie: Then you must be a witch then! You put spells on the kids to make them like your pizzas! Because even I won't touch them!
Chica: Says you when you always try to please Freddy. Whenever you act "cute" around him, you also put him under a spell.
Bonnie: No, I don't. That defies all logic. You should know that I'm no magician.
Chica: And Freddy still likes you after.
Jack: I think I'm interrupting something here... I also think this soda got cold.
Chica: Oh, sorry there, newbie! Me and Bon were just heating up a storm right now.
Bonnie: And I was making a good point! Chica might be a secret chemist!
Jack: I just wanna know if there are vending machines here. Ya' know. I want to try the flavors they got here. Maybe bizarre like you!
Bonnie: Bizarre? Thank you!
Chica: We only have the fruity ones here. Nothing crazy like Bon over here.
Bonnie: I'm not that crazy!
Jack: Fruit flavors? Geez. This pizzeria sure has the stuff, man. It's making me hungry.
Chica: I'm also hungry! I've been starving since I just woke up. And I still couldn't find Carl! He's just been so hard to see.
Bonnie: Wow, you introduced Carl to him? He's such a menace. He bites my ankles for some reason.
Jack: So he really is mischievous, huh.
Chica: I just wish he'd just change his ways...
Jack: Yeah, preferably. I'd say that he really did befriend the other cupcakes.
Bonnie: Nonsense, how does food talk to food? Oh wait, he also responds to us.
Chica: It's not every day that you speak to him!
Jack: I never even seen him. But considering that everyone here looks like how they look in this "celebrate" poster, this counts.
Bonnie: But it really is a pity that we have almost no egg hunts...
Chica: Bon, my dear carrot-top, why do you want more egg hunts?!
Bonnie: I don't know, maybe because I'm bored?
Jack: I don't think random Easter egg hunts will hurt a fly. Maybe it'll bring in more kids.
Bonnie: Yeah, but it should be time we get going soon. I wanna see if there really is a golden egg around here.
Chica: Oh, quiet down. Bye, newbie. See ya!
Jack: See you as well. It was fun talking!

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