Night 4 [5AM]

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Jack: Oh my goodness. What even was that whole thing? I feel like Bonnie was playing along with him. But I see why he did so.
Golden Freddy: Hey, pal! What's ya up to?
Jack: Escaping weird shenanigans as usual.
Golden Freddy: Why is there always a gust of blues in the air? You speak with emptiness, even when we just had a truce... [Takes soda]
Jack: Maybe it's because you're always going to be stealing my drink. But that's a "maybe."
Golden Freddy: Solving a puzzle is difficult. You gotta go on a quest to fix it, to change it, to complete it.
Jack: The same thing with riddles. However, yours tend to play a trick on me.
Golden Freddy: It's trick or treat! [Wink]
Jack: Yeah, except I see no treats. What would they even be? Dust bunnies from the storage rooms?
Golden Freddy: I never knew they called them dust bunnies. I thought they were clouds.
Jack: Dust clouds?
Golden Freddy: Better, in my opinion. But talking to you is still no fun at all.
Jack: What was fun about me anyway?
Golden Freddy: A number of things. [Smirk]
Jack: And like what?
Golden Freddy: You jumping and doing back flips off your chair when you see me! [Laughs]
Jack: Oh... So my reflexes?
Golden Freddy: The dramatic ones.
Jack: What do you honestly expect? This place is dramatic on its own. I've seen with my own eye! I don't even know why this is!
Golden Freddy: Just a matter of feelings. We were based on ourselves from the cartoons.
Jack: There was an actual show about these fellas? Was it in the old times collection?
Golden Freddy: Most likely. I mean, why else would you find this place a tad bit familiar?
Jack: Wait, that's creepy... How did you know I found this place familiar?
Golden Freddy: I can read minds. Surprised?
Jack: You never spoke about reading my mind. Or did you? If so, then that isn't clear to me yet.
Golden Freddy: I was always able to read your thoughts. And there's also another thing I can do that I didn't speak of.
Jack: What is it?
Golden Freddy: [Stands up]
Jack: Oh... Wait. Why haven't you done that beforehand?
Golden Freddy: Like I told ya when we first met, I chose not to do it. [Sits back down]
Jack: How many other things did you choose not to do for the past nights?
Golden Freddy: About a billion.
Jack: There's often something ominous here.
Golden Freddy: Is it you being nice and somehow talking to the others?
Jack: No. Just' some bad gut feelings I had.
Golden Freddy: Well, I came to warn you. Tomorrow will not be your day. See ya then...
Jack: Um... okay?

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