Night 3 [1AM]

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Jack: Looks like I might not be the only one going off the rails. This chit-chatter went to theorizing! I hope Chad could give me help...
Chica: Hi, my dear friend! How's it been? I'm having another great day! Especially after now knowing where Carl goes. Isn't it great?
Jack: Well, considering me and my friends at our place... I believe so!
Chica: Yeah, me and Bon just had a cook-off! Guess who won it? Me, of course. But the madman was also allowed egg hunts!
Jack: At least both of you got some reward. Do you normally do cooking contests?
Chica: Only when we want challenge runs. Otherwise, it'd be more of an actual war...
Jack: Oh, yeah. Looks like things have been getting much better for Bonnie. He's lucky.
Chica: Well, I actually hear him lurking around!
Jack: He should be in this mood more often. From what I saw, he rants more than a critic. And that's not a good thing.
Chica: He's just really picky. Anything can get on his screws. Right, Carl?
Carl: [Nods honestly]
Chica: See, he knows. We've seen it all!
Jack: Off topic, but this is actually adorable.
Chica: Thank you! When was the last time I received a compliment like that?
Carl: [Happily hops]
Jack: Most likely a day that's sunny.
Chica: Sunny? Oh, newbie. Sunny days are the best days. The warmth is unimaginable!
Jack: I really see that.
Chica: I hope that one day I can make you something. You really seem to like the drinks from our vending machines!
Jack: And how did you know that?
Carl: [Thinking]
Chica: I saw you there. You actually tested out the flavors! I had a feeling you'd like them.
Jack: At least I don't perform experiments with the cups. Besides, who would want a multi-color smoothie?
Chica: Screw me over! I love those!
Jack: Ah, another scavenger that plays with their own food. I heard you stayed in the fridge for hours doing that. "Testers." [Sigh]
Chica: Liar! That looks like something Foxy would say! Do you believe his fish shanties?
Jack: I thought they were sea shanties? But no. Unless all rumors are made by him.
Chica: Good golly!
Jack: Dilly dally.
Carl: [Confused]
Jack: Wait, what's going on back there? Is that more unnecessary racket?
Chica: It's probably the limited edition gold egg that Bon really wants.
Jack: Why does he squeal so much? He also sounds like a girl for some reason.
Chica: That's how he is when he's happy. I personally think he's fine. However, don't give him any carrots... That's really what he likes.
Jack: Why? He's gonna bite my hand.
Chica: I don't see why he won't. Oh, he's here!

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