Night 3 [5AM]

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Jack: Ah, what another fine day of hard work. My power's always in the roaring twenties. I hope they ditch these annoying systems.
Golden Freddy: How about the dirty thirties? Do you know who else is dirty?
Jack: Who? Wait, oh no. It's you again! What the hell do you want from me now? Meat and bones? Guts on a platter? Blood?
Golden Freddy: Calm down. I always say it. I won't kill you, I don't want to. That's some other day far away from now! Not now!
Jack: Fine. I have an offer for you, though.
Golden Freddy: An offer in what, Jackie?
Jack: It's not to help those missing kids. I heard rumors that they wandered around and possessed you guys. Is that even true?
Golden Freddy: Believe me when I say it is. They don't have an impact on us, though, but we do hate the killer. Yes, they were killed.
Jack: Okay, Gold... I just want a truce.
Golden Freddy: "Truce?" I like the sound of it!
Jack: Alright. You can still annoy me and all. Just stop threatening to kill me. Please.
Golden Freddy: So I can still play with your little feelings? That's very funny, Jackie. I'm not gonna lie about that. I'll be nicer.
Jack: And calmer, right?
Golden Freddy: Right! So what do we talk about now? I have... no ideas... Other than how long I've been alone for.
Jack: Well, want some more soda, Gold? I can't believe we're nice to each other now.
Golden Freddy: For friendship. If I fall at least someday, we'd fall together! [Chuckle]
Jack: Yeah... But no.
Golden Freddy: [Laughs] You're pretty cute, and that's not far-fetched.
Jack: How many times am I gonna be disturbed or distracted by some weird quote?
Golden Freddy: A billion times. And with the wheel of fortune? It's not having your back.
Jack: And I thought my life was getting good. Scratch that. Life always sucked, Gold.
Golden Freddy: You'll always be cute to me.
Jack: And that'll always look unreal to me.
Golden Freddy: Oh please, I thought we were gonna bond together. Not fight each other.
Jack: Actually, how would you even fight me? Since you're technically ghostly, being able to "possess" me and all, can you really hurt me?
Golden Freddy: Oh, so you really do wanna know about the ways I can hurt you right now. Well, how did I drink this?
Jack: By some unexplained phenomenon, I think you might actually be an ex-member of the Fazbear band. You're a physical body.
Golden Freddy: And you're also one!
Jack: Yeah. Okay... that's a little uncanny...
Golden Freddy: What's wrong with being it?
Jack: Now you actually sound like the dirty one. Do you know what you can also do?
Golden Freddy: I do know. Are you one of the dirty-minded fellows? I'll let go early.
Jack: No. But thanks. I feel that this night was long already. See you tomorrow.

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