Night 4 [4AM]

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Bonnie: What's up, friends? I was just rocking some tunes earlier. Just' not too hard, though. I don't want to break the strings again.
Freddy: I made a secret carrot hunt just for you. I guess your little guitar distracted you.
Bonnie: Wait, really? Freddy... You're so kind!
Freddy: I know, right? I'm such an angel.
Jack: No, I think you're the devil's kind.
Freddy: Well, that's very rude of you.
Bonnie: I never even thought of a carrot hunt before. Are the carrots edible?
Freddy: They're edibles, carrot-top.
Bonnie: And I don't know what that means.
Jack: I think he means that they're actually not normal. I believe they have deformities...
Bonnie: Well, sign me up! I'm in love with the mutated carrots! I don't even care if they're green! As long as it's a carrot, I think it's fine!
Freddy: That the spirit, carrot-top!
Jack: No, that's wrong.
Bonnie: I tried some before.
Jack: Is a poisoned carrot a real carrot?
Freddy: If it has "carrot" in the name, of course, it's a real carrot. A hundred percent.
Jack: Oh... Um... Okay...
Bonnie: I clearly don't see anything wrong!
Jack: Are these "carrots" on strings? Or are they on the ground in hiding spots?
Freddy: Why would they be on strings, honey?
Jack: I don't know, but that seems like something you'd probably do. Considering that you put a ton of drugs in them.
Bonnie: Drugs?! Wait, what are those? I had never heard about drugs before.
Jack: The edibles kookoo bear speaks of.
Freddy: How would they possibly sneak into this pizzeria? Have an idea, honey?
Jack: No ideas in mind. But probably you do.
Bonnie: Uh, Fred? Why are you calling him "honey?" I think that's the weirdest nickname I've ever heard! Besides "crook."
Freddy: Just a nickname I use for fun.
Bonnie: Oh... I guess that's pretty cool.
Jack: As far as I'm concerned, that name's actually used for a romantic partner!
Bonnie: Romantic? I thought it was cool.
Jack: It can apparently be both opinions. Did you know that opinions aren't a fact?
Bonnie: I do know! I just forgot.
Freddy: I see nothing wrong with using a romantic nickname! It seems okay to me!
Jack: Of course you would say that.
Bonnie: New guy, stop being rude to Fred. He's just too creative. Creativity is not bad.
Jack: Foxy is also "creative."
Freddy: He's strange as well. He blushed over a silly moral compass!
Bonnie: Even I'd agree to that!
Jack: Okay, so there are two types of creative?
Freddy: In the sense of this topic, I think so!
Jack: Alright, test me on this one. But did you actually hit your forehead multiple times with Chica's frying pan? With no permission?
Freddy: I don't need permission, honey.
Jack: No consent, huh? So you did do it?
Freddy: I did in the sense that I was stressed. Stress makes me do that sometimes.
Bonnie: Fred, that's self-harm...
Freddy: Don't worry, I'm okay, carrot-top.
Jack: So the rumors are true. Then I guess it's also true that drugs are in the carrots.
Freddy: If it's a carrot, it's a carrot.
Bonnie: Can you please call me carrot-cake?
Freddy: Do you... have cake?
Bonnie: Am I as sweet as cake?
Jack: And what did we just get into?
Freddy: Of course you are! And as tasty as the frosting of one! But I'll still call you a top.
Bonnie: Okay... Thank you, though!
Freddy: Ah, you're welcome. The toppings of a cake are also tasty and sugary!
Jack: So you're into pastries, Bonnie?
Bonnie: No! I only have a sweet tooth when it comes to carrot cake and macaroons!
Freddy: Ooh, fancy.
Bonnie: Oh, um...
Jack: Uh, bye, guys. I've had enough here.

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