Night 4 [3AM]

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Jack: Tonight's been sweet so far. But I think I'm starting to miss Chad... Whatever, he's annoying anyway. And I think Freddy's back...
Freddy: Ooh. Hey there, honey. How's it been since we parted ways again?
Jack: No, kookoo bear.
Freddy: And why are you suddenly calling me kookoo? I'm not that crazy. [Laughs]
Jack: No, but when we last talked. I saw you in what I assume to be "frenzy mode." And I guess I understand your friends now...
Freddy: Ya can't always believe what they say, honey. I'm perfectly fine in the head.
Jack: Yeah... And when you said you wanted a candlelight dinner between us... and only us.
Freddy: I like they way you worded it out. Tell me, if the others were there, would it really be a special dinner between us? [Glaring]
Jack: Um, no. But it had the chance to be.
Freddy: So? There's nothing unhinged about me. I just proved it to you, honey.
Jack: Yeah... I also heard that after your usual performance, that... once you hit your own head with a frying pan multiple times?
Freddy: What are you talking about?
Jack: One of the nefarious things you did.
Freddy: "Nefarious." I've never done anything that would put me on a criminal record!
Jack: For chrissakes, I almost fell again! Dude, you gotta calm down the voice! You're being too loud for no reason right now.
Freddy: You call this loud? I can be much louder, honey.
Jack: Ugh... At least you have some degree of "quiet" in you. I appreciate that.
Freddy: Now make yourself comfortable.
Jack: Wait, what?
Freddy: What?
Jack: Oh, brother. You say the most random stuff sometimes.
Freddy: Uh, that wasn't random?
Jack: Wait, it's not? Fine then, I will get myself "comfortable now." But for what purpose?
Freddy: Just a command, nothing out of the ordinary. I wish I had flowers right now. But if I consider the weather, they'd be dry.
Jack: Then get fake ones.
Freddy: Fake flowers don't smell very nice. They smell like the children that come here.
Jack: Then why do you want flowers?
Freddy: For kisses under the moon, of course.
Jack: You scare me.
Freddy: And you love me, honey.
Jack: No, I don't! Now, where's that frying pan you kept hitting yourself in the face with? And your past due therapy sessions you ignored?
Freddy: I never had... therapy.
Jack: I think I can connect the dots now. Not the polka-dots that Bonnie wears for sport.
Freddy: Thanks for telling me that wears them. I always imagined him wearing a polka-dots. He'd look cute in them. [Chuckles]
Jack: What? I was joking about that.
Freddy: Well, I thought you were serious. Oh, I see the little bun-bun right there! Hey!

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