Night 3 [2AM]

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Bonnie: Hey, pals! I'm so happy today! Do you know why? Hint, it's never gaming! I'm already too good at that.
Chica: What? The golden egg?
Bonnie: No, it's not even a feature yet.
Jack: A golden globe?
Bonnie: What would I need a globe for? Is it for studying the countless nations on a map?
Jack: Yeah, that's the whole purpose of one.
Chica: So the egg hunts have features now?
Bonnie: They've always had features. And if you really dig into it, everything is a game.
Chica: I don't like this way of thinking, Bon.
Bonnie: But, Chi! Why do I always feel that my decisions are controlled when I make them?
Jack: Maybe it's because you're the one that's controlling them. Not some outside force. I never knew you had a stalker Bonnie.
Bonnie: A stalker?
Chica: There is no way that Bon is being stalked right now. That's just out of the line.
Bonnie: I never mentioned being stalked!
Jack: No, I was being satire! I meant that if you felt controlled, that there is an outsider, that's... stalking you.
Bonnie: Oh, so I might have a secret admirer! Or am I just a little too paranoid?
Chica: This whole topic is paranoia. First of all, no outsider would see you. Second of all, you are the only one that controls your mind!
Bonnie: It could be happening right now, Chi! What if he has a secret love letter for me?
Jack: It's probably Foxy again. This would be something he's going to do at this hour. He's probably plotting the points for it.
Chica: There is no way you rascals are falling for this. How is this even possible?
Jack: I don't know. He hooked up random papers and started writing love letters?
Bonnie: Ew! That disgusting nutcase! You are so correct when you say he would do that!
Chica: I thought about it. I think we have the biggest freak to worry about already.
Bonnie: Who else would be a freak, Chi? Tell me! Cause' if it isn't Firefox, then I don't know who it is! Who is the "biggest freak?"
Jack: To that, I'm also wondering. I might've seen Foxy more. But, I've never seen worse.
Chica: [Glares sharply]
Carl: [Also glaring]
Jack: What's with the serious looks?
Chica: Me and Carl know who it really is. The psycho in the pizzeria. You know him, Bon?
Bonnie: Wait, I think I know who you're talking about! Is it?
Chica: Yes, it is.
Bonnie: Oh no.
Jack: Pardon me? But who is this?
Chica: That brown bear, the main singer, our... leader! The one we all gladly respect!
Bonnie: He's kind, though! But he's only tame when he's happy. I hate it when he's mad.
Jack: Oh. What's his issue? He seems fine to me. Perhaps you two can explain how he is a possible psychopath?
Bonnie: Well, I hear him purring across the hall. Strangely happier this time, though. Oftentimes, he purrs angerly in his sleep...
Jack: A bear that purrs? Already hearing that makes me question him!
Chica: I'd thought he'd snore too. He's so loud when he's angry. He yells like he's at war all the time! Even when it's encouraging!
Bonnie: Don't forget that it's also game-over when it happens. The whole place shakes.
Jack: Is he violent? He seems fearsome.
Chica: No, not to us, at least. We are scared for what he could do, though.
Bonnie: Yeah, but he's rarely like this at day! He's usually his type of jolly! And... charming...
Chica: Bon? [Glares heavily]
Bonnie: Oh, sorry, Chi. His words get to me.
Chica: Just say that he's the holly-jolly type!
Jack: Anyway. I think that's him yawning...
Bonnie: So he's finally out of his deep sleep?
Chica: Well, we better go. Newbie, we'll let him give you his intro. Good luck, newbie!

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