Night 4 [2AM]

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Chica: Hey dudes! I'm sorry for being nosy, but I heard something about a treasure hunt.
Foxy: Treasures from the good old days...
Jack: He literally just threatened me about dying in a "possible blackout."
Chica: Well, not gonna lie. But he's kinda on to something... That's actually strange...
Foxy: The landlubber has no lantern to protect himself. If he were on a ship with me and there was a raging storm, we would die!
Jack: As if thunder storms are actually that dark. The lightning would give us a way.
Foxy: That was an example. Now, just try to imagine an actual blackout here.
Jack: Uh...
Foxy: Exactly, you won't last a second.
Chica: Liar! What about the seconds it takes for all lights to go out? What if there is still a secret light source?
Carl: [Sleepy]
Chica: Oh, hey Carl! You look tired...
Jack: Look at the fox again.
Foxy: He's actually bored. I think I know what he might possibly want!
Chica: Please, no.
Foxy: Another song from me! Unlike Captain, my musical notes actually hit harder.
Carl: [Rolls eyes]
Foxy: He's doing that because he agrees. Captain can only lead the ship! His singing is deserving of the smallest crowds!
Chica: Are you trying to say that Fred's supposed to be unpopular?
Foxy: I'm saying that he should rather sing lullabies instead. Underrated ones.
Jack: And only appeal to sleeping kids.
Carl: [Takes nap]
Chica: Not just kids! Carl actually slept! He's so cute, though.
Foxy: Ya find anyone that currently sleeps as cute. Ya like watching sleeping comrades?
Chica: I do not! And you don't look adorable when you sleep. I don't stalk you.
Jack: Speaking of the concept from earlier, not about treasure hunts or fishing. A little blackout would make some of us sleepy...
Foxy: Not me, though! I'm always awake!
Chica: Huh, about an hour ago, I just saw you with ya eyes closed. You also weren't blinking.
Foxy: I was... [Nervous]
Jack: There is no excuse for you.
Foxy: Arrg! You are to walk the plank right this instant! I will not be taking that!
Jack: Not to be offensive...
Foxy: To which I'm offended now?
Jack: If you're cornered, you're cornered. There's no going around it. You just admit it.
Chica: Looks like Firefox's all alone!
Foxy: Arrg, just shut yer traps. I've had enough of being bullied by cheeky scoundrels.
Chica: So you're giving up now? It's okay to accept defeat now and then, Firefox.
Foxy: I'm still leaving. This landlubber better be smart when I talk to him again!
Chica: I'm just gonna go now... Bye, neighbor!

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