Chapter 6: maybe we'll turn it all around

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How Hari ended up with Draco.

Chapter title:
Never Too Late - Three Days Grace


[x] (2012) The Avengers
[x] (2013) Iron Man 3
[x] (2013) We are here
[ ] (2013) Thor: The Dark World
[ ] (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Guardians of the Galaxy; Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
[ ] (2015) Avengers: Age of Ultron; Ant-Man
[ ] (2016) Captain America: Civil War; Spider-Man: Homecoming
[ ] (2017) Doctor Strange; Black Panther; Thor: Ragnarok
[ ] (2018) Avengers: Infinity War

Hari gives one last kiss to Heather, pokes her button nose. "You behave for your daddy, okay?" she says seriously. "You're the little lady of the house, and you need to keep an eye on him for me, make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Can you do that?"

Heather nods her head solemnly, more serious than any five-year-old should be. "I promise," she swears, offers Hari her pinky.

Hari hooks their pinkies together, and they shake on it, as powerful as an Unbreakable Vow. Dudley is rolling his eyes, glancing at his watch. The airport is bustling with activity, but then again, LaGuardia is always packed with people rushing to catch flights and running to last minute gate changes.

"It's almost time for us to go," Dudley says. He stares indulgently at his daughter, then levels a flat stare at Hari. "Please try to behave, cousin."

Hari gives him a hug, pats his back. "Hey, trouble finds me, not the other way around," she protests.

Heather sniffles a little. "I'll miss you, Aunt Hari," she says. Her green eyes, so like Hari's and Lily's, are watery, her bottom lip tugged downwards in a pout.

"Aw, no tears, Heather-Feather!" Hari wipes them away before they can fall. "I'll be seeing you over the holidays!"

Heather looks a little hopeful. "With Scorp'us and Teddy?"

"You betcha!"

They walk until Dudley and Heather are at their gate. Hari waits until they board their plane, watches as it takes off, and then she takes a taxi home. The visit was far too short, probably because it was a business trip instead of a vacation, but she wasn't lying when she told Heather she'd see them over the holidays. She likes to show Teddy and Scorpius the Muggle traditions that she never got to enjoy as a child, wants them to grow up knowing the best of both worlds.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket. She fishes it out, smiles when she sees a text from Tony. Ever since that lunch nearly a week ago, they've been talking a lot more. Things have kind of shifted from strictly sex to a friendship with the potential for something more. She doesn't mind at all, likes his dry wit and his sarcastic humor.

It's not something she thought would happen when she took him home from the bar weeks ago. He's a Muggle, doesn't know about magic, has no idea about her status in the Wizarding world. It's beyond too early to tell him, especially since she doesn't know if their friends with benefits relationship will progress beyond that.

She's open to it. Tony is sexy as hell, fun to be around, and Hari wants to know more. Googling him is becoming more and more tempting, but she likes this slow pace of actually taking the time to get to know someone. She's so used to people just knowing about her entire life back home and she knows he feels the exact same.

Tony: (7:24 am): I know there's a line between supporting and enabling, but I don't have the heart to tell DUM-E that his smoothies aren't as good as he thinks they are.

There's an image attached, one that has Hari smiling fondly. The robot has a chef's hat on the mechanical arm, a smoothie that looks like black tar positioned right next to it. Tony's sent pictures of his robots before, introducing each one of them. The way Tony talks about them is like she talks about her children, and she supposes that his bots are his children. He created them, taught them, nurtured them.

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