Chapter 12: a warning

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Hari has news for the Minister, Head Auror, and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Chapter title:
This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars


[x] (2012) The Avengers
[x] (2013) Iron Man 3
[x] (2013) We are here
[ ] (2013) Thor: The Dark World
[ ] (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Guardians of the Galaxy; Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
[ ] (2015) Avengers: Age of Ultron; Ant-Man
[ ] (2016) Captain America: Civil War; Spider-Man: Homecoming
[ ] (2017) Doctor Strange; Black Panther; Thor: Ragnarok
[ ] (2018) Avengers: Infinity War

Hari thought the whispers were bad before she defeated Voldemort. Now that she is no longer just the Girl Who Lived but also the Woman Who Conquered, because originality is dead in the Wizarding world, whispers follow her everywhere. She is well practiced in ignoring them thanks to her fourth year at Hogwarts when nearly everyone turned on her and her marriage to Draco when people were not afraid to confront her and attempt to check if she was dosed with Amortentia.

Becoming an Auror didn't really help with all of the whispers, especially when she, with Ron, completely revolutionized the Auror department and, by extension, the Ministry of Magic. Progress is impossible without change, and the Ministry itself had become lazy at best and corrupt at worst. She couldn't work for it when she was still at odds with it.

It will never be perfect, but it's better than it used to be. It'll be harder for the next Dark Lord to take over, if one even tries again.

"Wand, plea—oh Merlin! You're Hari Potter!"

Hari smiles at the obviously new Watchwizard. She hands her wand over. "How are you doing today?"

The Watchwizard, Adalbert Alderton, flushes deeply, fumbles with her wand as he places it on the Wand weigher. He's so nervous that he nearly jabs her with the Probity Probe, but she keeps as easy-going smile on her face. "I'm, uh, doing well Miss Potter, thank you," he stammers out.

When he finishes the security check, he hands her back her wand almost reverently. "Have a nice day," she says brightly as she strides out of the Atrium towards the lifts. She endures the hushed whispers and the exclamations of awe with her long-suffering dignity, makes her way to level one.

The Minister's new Undersecretary, Abigail Little, is a severe looking woman with greying hair pulled into a tight bun reminiscent of Professor McGonagall. She glances at Hari and politely asks, "Do you have an appointment, Miss Potter?"

Hari likes her already, but then again anybody is a severe improvement from Umbridge. "I do," Hari says.

Little points to a chair. "The Minister is finishing his last appointment. Please have a seat while I inform him of your arrival. Would you like a refreshment while you wait? We have gilly water, butterbeer, and pumpkin juice."

"No, thank you."

With a brief nod, Little briskly walks to the Minister's office.

There's the sound of low murmurs, and Hari busies herself with her phone while she waits. She's seated for no more than ten minutes before she hears footsteps. She looks up to see the Minister walking towards her.

"Sorry about the wait, Hari," Kingsley Shacklebolt says warmly. His robes are a deep royal purple, almost reminiscent of Dumbledore's except they're lacking in bright moving patterns.

Hari stands up. "Minister," she greets amiably.

He levels her with a dry look, but leads her to his office. A large room, there are portraits of past Ministers on the walls, a larger portrait of a landscape covering most of the back wall, a rich mahogany desk in the center, bookshelves full of books and old rolls of parchment on Wizarding laws and treaties, comfortable plush chairs neatly in front of the desk.

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