Chapter 21: something to get off my chest

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In which knowledge is shared, and secrets come to light.

Chapter title:
Secrets - One Republic


[x] (2012) The Avengers
[x] (2013) Iron Man 3
[x] (2013) Thor: The Dark World
[ ] (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Guardians of the Galaxy; Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
[ ] (2015) Avengers: Age of Ultron; Ant-Man
[ ] (2016) Captain America: Civil War; Spider-Man: Homecoming
[ ] (2017) Doctor Strange; Black Panther; Thor: Ragnarok
[ ] (2018) Avengers: Infinity Wa

The backlash from Hari's shield falling sends them flying backwards, and Tony lets out a grunt when his back hits the wall. Sparks of pain creep up to his neck, making him wince. Hari's hand tightens around her wand, just barely managing to keep it.

"GET DOWN!" Thor screams, Mjolnir already crackling with electricity, pushing a weakly stumbling Jane behind him.

Tony rolls so that he's on top of Hari, shielding her with his body. Her eyes are wide, startled, and she casts another shield charm around them.

Odin shouts to the guards, "Bring Frigga!" just before one of them tackles him to the floor.

Thor's aim is true, and he pushes as much lightning into that red energy as he can, the pressure building and building until the small room is hot and it's hard to breathe.

The energy shrieks, like steam escaping from a pipe, and then it explodes into tiny, broken fragments.

Hari's shield holds up, protecting them from the blast.

Tony's hands shake just a bit as he brushes hair away from her face. He licks his lips and gets off her, carefully looking her over to make sure she's unharmed.

"Are you okay?" she asks him.

He stands up, extending a hand to pull her to her feet. "Oh, I'm peachy fucking keen," he says. He turns to Thor, demands, "What the hell is that thing?"

Thor shakes his head in confusion. "I have never seen this before."

Hari's fingers dig into Tony's arm. "It's...reforming?"

They look at the fragments, slowly converging into bigger pieces. Odin orders the room to be evacuated. The healers and guards scramble to obey, rushing out of the room. Thor leads Jane to one of the guards with orders of her being escorted to a room near his. She's resistant at first, eyeing the red energy twisting and turning on the floor with trepidation, but Thor is persistent, and soon enough she is walking out of the door, turning back and looking at him with concern.

Tony shakes his head. This doesn't make any kind of sense. He's never seen anything like this, which isn't saying much since he's only been studying magic for the past month or so, but for Thor and Hari to not know what the fuck is going on?

With an explosive sigh, Hari reaches into her left pocket. Tony's eyes widen when her hand reaches in much deeper than it should.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

She grins at him and pulls out a bound roll of leather. "While we don't know exactly what that is, I think it's safe to assume that it shouldn't be free to roam about." She unties the twine keeping the leather rolled up.

"Is that your Auror toolkit?" he asks, eyeing the many compartments and devices neatly secured in the pouches.

"Close," Hari says. She makes a small hum when she pulls out a gleaming, silver dagger, the handle carved with intricate symbols that seem to glow ominously. "Ron's older brother Bill works as a Curse Breaker. He gave us a kit each when we officially joined the Auror Corps, just in case we ever ran into anything that would need to be neutralized, if possible, or require containment otherwise."

ripped at every edge (but you're a masterpiece) (Hp x Mcu) by LissyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora