Chapter 10: don't have to try hard

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Hari officially meets Rhodey, and there are developments in her relationship with Tony.

Chapter title:
Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne


[x] (2012) The Avengers
[x] (2013) Iron Man 3
[x] (2013) We are here
[ ] (2013) Thor: The Dark World
[ ] (2014) Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Guardians of the Galaxy; Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
[ ] (2015) Avengers: Age of Ultron; Ant-Man
[ ] (2016) Captain America: Civil War; Spider-Man: Homecoming
[ ] (2017) Doctor Strange; Black Panther; Thor: Ragnarok
[ ] (2018) Avengers: Infinity War

Waking up is a slow, gradual process. There's light shining through the window which Hari doesn't remember opening, and there's the comfortable weight of an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against a hard, muscular chest.

To say last night was unexpected is like saying Voldemort was only a little crazy – a gross understatement that warrants an intelligence evaluation.

She never would have thought that Tony Stark would be the Merchant that Death wanted her to find. Now that she knows, it's like the clues had all been there, laid out in front of her, wrapped in a pretty bow. Tony himself had said that he used to make weapons and was considered a war profiteer.

How did she ever manage to become a successful Auror if she couldn't even figure this out?

"Stop thinking," Tony grumbles into her hair.

She startles a little, not expecting him to be awake. "Sorry," she says quietly.

He pulls her even closer to him, and she can feel his morning wood poking against her ass. "Rhodey doesn't get a lot of time off from the military," he tells her. "When he gets here, we normally spend at least one full day together. Did you...want to join us?"

She wriggles in his grip until they're face-to-face. He's wide awake, hair askew, the sun framing his face. "I don't want to intrude," she says.

"Nonsense," Tony retorts. "I don't spend time with people unless I want to. And besides, if you don't come, I'll have to hear Rhodey nag at me the entire time, and trust me, the man can get on his soap box for hours. I'm afraid I'm going to need you to activate that hero complex and save my ears from his tirade."

Hari's shoulders shake with mirth, and she looks at Tony fondly. "Well, I do have a saving people thing," she says softly.

"I'm okay being a new notch on that belt of yours," Tony assures her. He smirks, pulls her a little closer to him, plants soft, wet kisses on her neck. "Although, we do have a little bit of time before we have to do any of that..."

Hari shivers, her cheeks heating up. She lets out a small sigh, tilts her head so he has better access. "Oh, we do, do we?"

But before they can really get into it, there's knocking on the bedroom door. Tony lets out a frustrated sigh. "If we don't answer, he'll go away," he tells her.

"Rise and shine, princess," Rhodey calls through the door. "It's already twelve-thirty, and I have a craving for steak and lobster!"

"We should just get back to what we were doing." Tony reattaches his lips to Hari's neck, sucks at her pulse point.

Hari bites her lip to stop the laugh from escaping, gently pushes him away. "You don't want to keep your friend waiting," she says.

She must not have been quiet enough because Rhodey says through the door, "Hari, please join us. I have so many stories that I need to tell you about this knucklehead." There's a mischievous tone in his voice, one that reminds her of Fred and George.

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