Big Bad Vampire

504 28 12

September 28th 2009

Stiles is running, he's running fast. He's zipping past doors as his heart thrums in his chest. This isn't like the last time he dreamed of running. He's not feeling happy or excited to get caught. No, this time he's running away from something that has him feeling worried. That isn't the only feeling though, there's also an underlying current of hope, hope that he'll reach his destination.

He pushes open a large set of double doors and finds himself at a dead end. The room he's in is massive with wide windows running across the wall opposite to the door he's just come through. But there are no other doors in the room. Just the one he came through. Stiles spins to face the door and takes careful steps back as he finds his attackers standing at the entrance way.

"You'd think, considering you live here, you'd know a safe place to run. Instead all you've done is make this easier." The woman snarls.

Stiles takes the woman in, she's wearing a heavily embroidered dress that's has long sleeves and a high neck line. She looks like an extra from a doctor who episode that's based in the 1900's. Actually considering the look on the womans face, maybe villain would be a better descriptor.

"I know exactly where to run for safety. But I also know where to run to best prepare for an attack." Stiles informs.

The woman's face turns from triumphant to shocked as Stiles disappears from her line of sight. He appears behind her causing the woman to turn quickly to face him, leaving her back to the windows.

"I'm also really good at illusions." Stiles states. "But this is my favourite spell. Motus."

Stiles watches as the woman goes flying backwards, crashing through the windows and leaving his line of sight. He walks over to the now broken windows and looks down to find the woman laying dead on the ground.

"Did you have to break the windows darling? Becca's going to be pissed." Stiles turns to face brown eyes.

"She hurt you. Becca will forgive me." Stiles reminds.


Stiles woke up that morning feeling empty, like he was lacking in something. It created this ache in his chest that he could not get rid of. That ache followed him through the morning as he made breakfast for him and Matt, Vicki being who knows where and into his shift at the Grill. Vicki did end up showing up for that and only a hour late, Stiles couldn't be more proud.

They worked together in silence, Stiles not wanting to know how her date with Tyler went or why he hasn't seen her at home for the past few days. It wasn't until half way through their shift that Vicki said something.

"You were right and I'm sorry." Vicki says.

The speed at which she said the words had Stiles struggling to keep up with them.

"What was I right about?" Stiles inquires.

"Tyler, I thought that because I was a woman he wouldn't treat me like a dirty secret. I was wrong you were right. And I'm sorry for going out with him...and flirting with him whilst you two were still together." Vicki apologises.

"Huh...your forgiven." Stiles states.

"What?" Vicki questions.

"What, what?" Stiles questions back.

"I'm forgiven? It can't be that easy." Vicki points out.

"Why not? I'm over Tyler, you got your punishment via Tyler and his crappy personality. Now hopefully you've learnt your lesson. So, we're good." Stiles says.

"I have, learnt my lesson. Promise." Vicki holds out her pinkie.

Stiles take it with his before the sound of their bosses voice breaks them apart.

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