The Fast and the Furriest

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The next day after the rat flu situation, I woke up with a headache.

"Oh man, my head. What happened," I asked while rubbing my head.

"Morning, Hun. You went into your cat instincts again," Lloyd replied.

"I didn't hurt anyone right," I asked.

"No, you didn't. Also your brother is making a device to help you with your appearance," Lloyd replied.

We made our way to the other side of the lair and saw the others watching Donnie to reveal something behind the curtain.

"Brethren, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my merit skills united in one glorious enterprise. Gentleman behold the-," Donnie said.

"Is it the drill? Is it that you made when we were fighting those silverfish?" Leo asked.

"No. That's still in beta," Donnie replied.

"Lame," Raph and Shadow said.

"But this is better. Much much better. I give you the..." Donnie said.

"Is it even cooler, an even bigger drill?" Charmy asked.

"No, not a drill. This is a big surprise. Ta stinkin da!" Donnie said as he opened the curtain.

"Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing! I'm so proud of you," Mikey cheered.

"Uhh..." Sonic said.

"What? Where did it go? I built an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy? Who stole our Turtle Tank?" Donnie exclaimed.

"Hey this is a real problem Donnie. Not only did they steal your tank.." Raph said.

"Now you can finish the drill," Mikey said.

"Not now, Mikey," Ben said.

"But they must know where the lair is. It must be somebody who's penetrated your inner circle," I said.

"Maybe it's someone we've known. For years," Donnie said.

"Please don't tell me that you're accusing April right now," Blaze said.

At April's apartment...

"Alright you! Where's our Turtle Tank?" Donnie asked.

"Hi Donnie! You have nine seconds to explain why you just broke down my door," April said while holding Mayhem.

"Someone Stole Donnie's Turtle Tank," I said.

"I see. So as your best friend you naturally suspect me?" April asked.

"She gets it," Blaze said.

"Don't get me that. You're the only one who could've taken it," Donnie said.

"Donnie," Gadget scolded.

"3... 2... 1...." April counted down.

A loud smack can be heard. We fell out of the apartment.

"Well," I snarled.

"Okay, good news. Our inner circle is secured," Donnie said.

"Sorry April. Movie night later?" Mikey asked.

"Your treat," April replied as she closed the window.

"Alright guys. Who's our next suspect?" Donnie asked.

"It's gotta be someone who knows that you guys exist," Shadow replied.

"Maybe Splinter," Charmy suggested.

"Must be from April's bat," Mikey said as he pulled out a split of wood from his skin.

"No way. It's gotta be another mutant and I know where we can find a mutant. The mutant pizza place!" Leo exclaimed.

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