RPF) Some Kind of Reaction (A.K.A.)

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Some Kind of Reaction (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Marti! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings: none

Summary: The walls are a bit thin in your house, and your 'meet the family' was spoiled.

W.C. 1157


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To say you were nervous to introduce your boyfriend to your older brother would be a lie. For once, you were not nervous at all! It's not like Pepe did not know about your boyfriend. He just did not know who it was.

Little did he know, it was his competition.

Pepe was shockingly supportive when you first told him you had a boyfriend, and he took little convincing for you to get his approval. That was at the beginning of your relationship. Now, you were going on six months, and it was time to introduce them officially.

You decided the weekend of the Spanish Grand Prix would be the best, and your brother would not ask any questions about why you were in the paddock. Plus, you could cheer for both of your favorite boys!

Qualifying had just finished up, and you were ecstatic! Not only was Kimi on pole, but Pepe was on reverse grid pole for the sprint. That was the best-case scenario for you. Now, you just had to hope that they would be able to convert those positions into wins later this weekend.

You were standing outside of the Campos garage, waiting for your brother to pull into his spot. You were minding your own business when someone decided to run up behind you and jump onto your back. Thankfully, you were used to Kimi running up behind you, so when he jumped up, you immediately caught him.

"I'm so proud of you, Kimi!" You cheered as you spun around with him, laughing as he wrapped his arms tighter around your shoulders and littered your shoulder and neck with kisses. As you stopped spinning, you released his legs and allowed him to stand on his own. Immediately, you turned around while Kimi grabbed your face and planted a kiss on your lips as you wrapped your hands around his wrists, holding him against you.

You moved in sync with each other like you were made for each other. It was like the other hundreds of times you had kissed before. Maybe this one was more passionate, but to you, it was just like the first time you kissed him. The same fireworks and butterflies exploded in your stomach, and you never wanted to stop kissing him.

But when someone cleared their throat behind you. You knew who it was, there was no question about it. The only person that would not immediately jump at your throat: Pepe.

You slowly pulled away from Kimi, not really wanting to but also knowing you needed to face your brother eventually. You did not know if he was alone or if your parents had followed him back to the garage (you hoped they didn't). Then, you took a deep breath, moved your hands to grab one of Kimi's, and turned to see who interrupted you.

"Did you have fun there?" Pepe joked with an uncomfortable laugh and a grimace.

"As a matter of fact, yeah!" You replied with a light chuckle at his expression. "I always have fun kissing him!"

"Can you not do it in front of me? Like ever again?" Pepe cringed as he walked past you two, heading straight for his driver's room.

"That's it?" You questioned as you followed him. Kimi would have followed as well, but he was stopped by the Campos crew. Drivers of different teams were not allowed in different garages unless they were empty. You pushed through the door after Pepe. "No "That's my sibling!', no 'You better treat 'em right', no 'If you hurt 'em, I'll kill you'? Where's the passion? Where's the overprotective brother I know and what have you done with him?"

"Do you want me to freak out?" Pepe said, disinterested in the whole conversation as he set his helmet and balaclava to the side. He took a seat on the couch, throwing his legs onto the table. He had already changed to the Campos kit, but the team needed to check his helmet for something. You stood there dumbfounded at his laidback attitude.

"I want some kind of reaction here!" You exasperated. He was usually so expressive, especially regarding his friends and family. You had never seen him act like this, and it scared you. "Scream at me, scream at him, tell me off for dating another driver, tell me I don't know what I'm getting myself into, give me something, Pepe! You're my brother, and your opinion means a lot to me. The fact that you're not reacting at all is scaring me."

You were tearing up, eating yourself up at the thought of Pepe not approving of your relationship. Pepe was your older brother, and you looked up to him for everything from advice to a genuine friend. His opinion meant a lot to you, and truly, if he did not want you dating Kimi, you would break it off. You would be heartbroken, but your family's opinion has always been your priority. Seeing the tears in your eyes, Pepe immediately stood up and pulled you into a hug.

"Aye, hermano/a (brother/sibling//sister)," He whispered as you hid your face on his shoulder as some of the tears fell. "Hey, I'm not shocked, and I'm not upset with you being with Kimi." You pulled back a little to look up at him. He wiped the stray tears as he whispered, "At first, I was mad, but I've come to terms with it."

"What do you mean 'at first'?" You asked skeptically as you pulled back even more, almost putting him at an arm's distance.

"I may or may not have heard you on the phone a few weeks ago, and I may or may not know a few people who speak Italian, and I may or may not have asked them to translate what you said," Pepe rambled with a sheepish smile when he finished. "And if it were, hypothetically, true, would you be mad?"

You stood frozen for a second with your jaw dropped before breaking out in laughter. Pepe might have gotten nervous then, but he started laughing nervously with you.

"I should have expected that," You finally said, "Ain't no way I get any privacy in that house."

"My bad, the walls are thin," Pepe shrugged before switching topics, "If it makes you feel better, I can go give Kimi a heart attack. I can go get Mamá and Papá."

"Am I ready for that? Probably not, but thanks for offering," You joked as you moved to leave the garage, but Pepe did not follow you. "Let me rephrase, I want you to give him a heart attack, not Mamá and Papá. I'm not trying to kill him before the race tomorrow."

"Why not? That would be good for my campaign," Pepe teased as he followed you out.

"Then you would be on the front row for the sprint and ninth for the feature, pendejo (stupid)."

Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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