TMR) Secret Admirer Pt2 (Minho&Thomas)

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Secret Admirer Pt2 (Minho X Reader X Thomas)

Fandom: Maze Runner

Requested: Yes, by @Justnobody on AO3

Warning: None

W.C. 1180


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I followed behind Thomas as we were escorted down to an area the WICKED employees wanted us to see. I knew it was a horrible idea to try and visit the forest. Did any of my friends listen to me? No; now here we are, nearly entering a lecture about how WICKED is here to help. We walked down a few levels, I lost count after three. Dr. Paige walked in the lead followed by Alby, Gally, Newt, Minho, Teresa, Thomas, then me. My head whipped around, taking everything in, before Thomas stopped abruptly, causing me to run into his back.

"This is what I want you all to see," Dr. Paige stated sadly. I reached forward to grab Thomas's hand out of nervousness as we walked through the thick metal doors. Inside was a dark, large open cage, I guess. All of the surrounding walls were metal; at least, that is what I could tell with the limited sight provided by our flashlights. I could see one person sitting against one of the walls. I nervously grabbed onto Thomas as the person began to stand. His hands were bloody and scabbed, and he started to walk towards us. A few of the guards stood with their guns raised when he got a little too close. Newt turned his light up to his face to reveal Randall. "This is what could happen if one of you were to bring the Flare into the facility."

"I thought everyone in here was immune," Thomas said, turning to face Dr. Paige. I kept my gaze on Randall; I wanted to keep my eyes on him in case he tried to come after us. "That's what you told me."

"Almost all of the subjects are. The majority of the workers are not immune," Dr. Paige said sadly. She looked over to Randall and nodded her head as to tell him to speak.

"This is what happens when you get the Flare," he held up his hands. Upon closer inspection, a few of his fingers had been ripped off while the others had chunks bitten off and were missing fingernails. "This is why Dr. Paige is trying to keep you safe. This is why WICKED is good."

I shot up but was restrained. My hands were tied to my sides and my legs were tied to the bed. My eyes darted around the room, noticing that I was in the med hut. No one was in the room, not even the medjacks. I tried to untie my hands, coming up unsuccessful. I turned my head to look out the window, and the sky was starting to darken. I grew restless just laying there, so I started shaking my wrists to loosen the ties.

I did not need to struggle long because I heard people walking by. I looked out the window and saw Gally and Ben walking past. "Gally, Ben, can one of you untie me, please?" I heard them stop talking, and saw Gally walk over to the window. I faintly heard him say something to Ben before he got to the window. Once he saw that I was awake, he walked around the hut to the door.

He came over and untied my arms and legs. I moved to get up, but he held me down. "I don't think that's the best idea. Maybe just wait until Jeff gets here." I was about to ask why when Jeff, Minho, Newt, Alby, Thomas, and Ben walked in. Minho immediately made his way to sit on the edge of the bed on my left.

"I'm fine," I stated. Gally and Ben headed out, but Jeff insisted that he needed to check on me before leaving. "That's another thing; what happened?" Jeff looked over to Minho, who nodded his head, signaling that he had it under control. Jeff finished up and walked out with Newt, Alby, and Thomas trailing. "Wait, Thomas, I need to talk to you."

"You got stung while we ran the maze yesterday. Do you not remember anything?" Minho moved to hold my hand. I was confused by his actions; he was rarely ever worried about me, but here he was, almost to tears.

"I remember going into the maze, and we stopped to eat lunch. After that, it's blank."

"Yeah, the griever came after us in the middle of lunch," Minho said sadly as he lifted my hand to kiss the back of it. "Did you remember anything from your past?"

"That's why I need to talk to Thomas as well. I saw him," I said with a soft tone with the drop of my head. Thomas looked up from his place in the corner and moved to kneel on my right side. "Alby, Newt, Gally, this random girl, and the three of us were there. There was also this older girl in a doctor's coat and a guy with his fingers chewed off. We were in this dark room with metal walls, and I remember them saying something about it as punishment."

"I remember the doctor and the other girl. The doctor had short brown hair in a bun and the other girl had long, wavy brown hair that was normally in a ponytail, right?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, that's them!" I exclaimed while trying to sit up too quickly, and hissing as it agitated my sting wound. Minho reacted quickly and helped me lay back down. "But there is another thing. I think Thomas and I were together." They both remained silent, even the gladers seemed to stop. Minho and Thomas both exchanged looks; Thomas was nervously eyeing him while Minho was apprehensive. "Please say something, one of you."

"What if we tried something?" Thomas stuttered. I looked over at him, confused about what he was getting at, but Minho looked like he was contemplating whatever it was. "What if we tried being together, like all three of us?"

"Are you being serious? I get stung, remember a relationship from who knows how long ago, and you just throw out the idea of a three-way relationship?" It was difficult to wrap my head around the subject, but a part of me did not think it was such a horrible idea.

"All I'm saying is we try it," Thomas offered. "I wanted to ask when I first saw you guys at the bonfire, but I was too nervous."

"I'll try it, but only if you're comfortable with it," Minho spoke up. I was confused at first. Being a part of a polyamorous relationship would mean sharing, and one of the things I knew after being with Minho for so long is that he is very territorial over what is his. Looking up at the two, not only did Thomas look nervous, but Minho did too. They both looked to be pleading with their eyes. After a few minutes of silence, I let out a breath as I bounced my gaze between the two boys.

"Okay, fine, I am willing to see how this goes," I said, grabbing onto each of their hands.


Thanks for reading! Thank you for, hopefully, enjoying my work! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT make the gif. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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