RPF) Smash (Dream)

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Smash (CC! Dream X Reader)

Fandom: RPF

Requested: No, I just wanted to write something for Dream's face reveal, so this is not part of my writing inktober thing. If you're interested in that, there is a separate book on my profile for that.

Warnings: Use of Dream's name (Clay), no pronouns but Sap calls reader "mamas" once

W.C. 968


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Face revealing sucked. Being a faceless streamer who was dating another faceless streamer sucked too. Especially when you knew that your boyfriend was working up towards a face reveal, and everyone was pressuring you to do the same since you were so close. Couldn't be me.

Except it is.

After being with Dream for three years and not showing each other your faces, it just seemed natural to us. When we met, we just kept our relationship through text and discord calling. We just never thought to show our faces to each other. Also, we just never told the fans that we were together.

That is until he decided that he was going to reveal everything. He was going to face reveal to all of his friends, and his fans, and then he was going to do a panel at twitchcon. He just had to unintentionally ruin my day.

I joined our discord voice chat since he and Sapnap were already in it, and I was bored with watching this show. "Hey, guys."

"Wassup mamas," Sapnap laughed.

"Hey babe," Clay dismissed Sapnap's comment by just moving into the next statement. "We're talking about the plan to face reveal."

"Oh," I pressed, "what's it looking like?"

"Well, George is coming to Florida, so I was going to face reveal to him at the airport or something," Dream explained.

"Oh, so I'm going to be the only one who hasn't seen your face?" I laughed. "And I've literally been dating you for three years."

"I mean, you're gonna be at twitchcon, right?" Sap popped in.

"Well, yes," I stated as if it were obvious. "I'm literally in a separate panel with you, Sap."

"Then, why don't you fly to Florida, too." Sap said as if it were the easiest, most obvious thing in the world. "Meet us here, and we all go to L.A. together. Simple"

"It's not that simple, Sap," I sighed, leaning back in my chair as I started spinning side to side. "I can't just drop everything to fly to Florida. Let alone plan a whole face reveal"

"Well, what can we do to help?" Dream offers. "Like you're already on a posting break, you're gonna need to be here for twitchcon, and we still haven't met, technically. You and I could face reveal together."

"I have to pack, and I really don't want to," I chucked. "I mean, I don't want to intrude either since you guys knew each other longer, and you've been planning this longer."

"You wouldn't intrude!" Dream and Sapnap exclaimed.

"You could literally show up randomly, and I would let you in without a second thought," Dream pointed out.

"You don't even know what I look like, so what if a random person showed up at your house and pretended to be me?" I laughed.

"Well, I better hope it's actually you," he also chuckled. Sap let out a loud laugh before saying he was going to log off to go get food. Then, the sound of him leaving the call sounded. This is when Dream turned serious. "You do know you could never intrude on us, right?

"I do now, but you guys were all friends before I joined, so I thought-"

"You thought wrong," he interrupted. "You could never inconvenience me or Sap or George. You are a part of our team whether you like it or not. You will never be intruding on us."

Hearing him reassure me gave me some confidence. "If I did," I paused for dramatic effect. "When?"


It has been a few days since we had this call, and Dream was still the only one that knew that I was flying out to Florida and that I was planning to face reveal. I packed up my suitcase and finalized everything at my house before leaving for the airport. I sent a quick text to Clay right before we took off.

When we landed, I walked over towards the pick up area. I kept looking around paranoid that everyone was looking at me, and I did not know what facial expression I should be making. As I made my way to the door, I see Sapnap and a really tall blonde standing by the door. I froze. My eyes widened, as I stopped in the middle of the sea of people trying to leave the airport. I do not know what I was expecting Clay to look like, but he defiantly looked better than I could have ever thought.

Then the nerves sat in. What was George going to think? What was Sapnap going to think? What was Clay going to think? What if I did not meet their expectations? What if I disappointed them?

I decided then that I would bite the bullet and walk right up to them. As soon as I did, Sapnap looked up, and Clay turned his face away immediately.

"Oh my god, you guys are my favorite Minecraft YouTubers," I laughed quietly, so only they would hear me. "Can I get your autographs?"

"Y/N!" Clay exclaimed, throwing his arms around my shoulders and burying his face in my neck. "You look great."

"Thank you, Clay," I chuckled, hugging him back. I heard the click of a phone, and open one eye to see Sapnap pointing his phone at us. I just rolled my eyes before pulling away from Clay slowly. I held him at arm's length to look at his face more. I noticed how green his eyes are, the freckles that spread across his cheeks, the fluffy dirty blonde hair on his head that I wanted to run my hands through, and most importantly, his smile. Looking at his smile made me smile as well before I decided what I wanted to say. "Honestly, I'd smash."



Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT make the gif. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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