chapter 2

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as jungwon and his friends continued their conversation, their attention shifted back to the new students and the excitement surrounding their arrival

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as jungwon and his friends continued their conversation, their attention shifted back to the new students and the excitement surrounding their arrival.

"i wonder what they're like outside of class," sunoo mused, his eyes shimmering with curiosity.

"yeah, we should totally try to get to know them better," niki suggested, his eagerness in his voice.

jake nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with ideas of how they could approach the new students. "maybe we could invite them to hang out with us after school," he suggested, his excitement growing by the minute.

jungwon couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. while he was intrigued by jay's cool demeanor, he couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness whenever he was around him.

as they reached their lockers, jungwon couldn't resist stealing a glance in jay's direction. their eyes met briefly, and jungwon felt his heart skip a beat before quickly looking back.

"come on, guys, let's not get ahead of ourselves," jake said, trying to temper their excitement. "we don't even know if they'll want to hang out with us."

"true, but there's no harm in trying, right?" sunoo replied optimistically, a playful glint in his eyes.

as the bell rang again, with a shared nod of agreement, the group dispersed to their classes.


throughout the day, jungwon found himself unable to concentrate on his lessons, his mind filled with thoughts of the new students and the possibilities that lay ahead.

as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, jungwon couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as he headed towards the school gates.

as he stepped outside, he spotted jay leaning against the wall, a casual smile playing on his lips. jungwon felt a surge of butterflies in his stomach as their eyes met, and he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them.

"heyy, jungwon, right?" jay called out, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"u-uh yeah, that's me," jungwon replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the fluttering of his heart.

"mind if i walk with you?" jay asked, his smile widening as Jungwon's cheeks flushed with color.

is what jungwon said inside his brain.

"sure," jungwon replied, trying his bes tto not show his unexpected excitement. feeling a rush of excitement as they began to walk side by side, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of Seoul.


"WHAT THE- HOW?! IM SO JEALOUS" niki shrieked that made jungwon turn his volume down.

"shut up ki, ur so loud-" jungwon complained as he sees his other friends frozen, in a shocked expression.

"r u guys ok? am i lagging?" jungwon asked, confused seeing his screen froze. "no bitch- we're just suprised." sunoo replied, breaking the silence.

"lol, u guys jealousss~~" jungwon teased his friends who was clearly annoyed. "like on the first day? he must like you~" jake said in respons to tease jungwon back.

"what?! no, never" jungwon respond with a frown on his face. he doesn't know why he was annoyed tho.

"geez, sorry wonnie" jake apologized. "someone's a bit cranky-" niki teased, jokingly.

as they all continued their daily video call. jungwon couldn't stop thinking about jay, did he like him? if he did, does jay like him back? this was all too confusing for jungwon.

little did jungwon know, his encounter would mark the beginning of a friendship that would change his life in ways he never could have imagined.

~~~~~~~ 🦋 ~~~~~~~
here's chapter 2 guys! howd u like it?
ive been busy these days so ill be posting 1 chapter per week. srry not srry 😻😻

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