Chapter 6

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Saphira looked at the two, dark wooden doors leading in the Haunted Classroom. The wood appeared to be worn, and the doors looked like they would fall off the hinges of the doors. But it was a deliberate design, and when Mike pushed them open, the familiar squeal of the doors filled Saphira's ears. She was then met with a familiar sight. It really felt like she was coming home, in a way. The hallway was not long, as there were three classrooms, a music room, a bathroom and the principal's office, but it was always a unique place. Fake mirrors on the walls filtered a light that was dull and grey, giving the burned, withered painted walls a duller appearance. The lockers were purposefully full of dents and damage, and the doors were open slightly and unable to move.

The ceiling had fake roof tiles hanging from cables, lights flickered and the floor was covered in fake, thick layers of black dirt and mould. And with some of the benches broken, work and signs of termites, it really gave off a haunted feeling to this place. The classrooms were another example. Some of the tables were overturned, missing some legs and broken in half. The chairs were also turned over, or broken. The chalkboards in the classroom would have basic math on the board, with images in each room. Drawings that were stuck to the fake windows were drawn by kids, but with images of ghosts and dead people. Saphira could easily remember everything of this place.

The bathrooms were even designed to be creepy. The mirrors were deliberately cracked, and whenever you would stand in front of the windows, a shadow would be your reflection. Saphira could never count how many times she would see people freak out over it, and run out screaming because of it. It was hilarious, and Saphira would often laugh each time. Regardless, the design for the Haunted Classroom has always been good. And she was very happy to be back here. The one thing that was different, was the large, red, wooden doors at the end of the hallway, leading into the Phantom Mess Hall. She was very curious to meet the phantom animatronics, even though her eyes glance towards the principal's office.

"This area certainly has not changed much," Saphira commented as her smile widened while walking forward. "It really, silly as it sounds, feels like I am home. I would dream about this hallway sometimes. It even has a smell to's an old smell, that I know is just part of the atmosphere here." The smell of musk, dust and rotting wood was the aroma of this area, and while it was just the scent of the area, it at least was a created smell by machines hidden around the hallway. "I often ran in here on my own just to spend time with Springtrap. It has always been the quietest area of the attraction."

"And it can be at times, but with the Phantom Mess Hall and the attractions that are in there, it has brought a lot more people here. It was a good idea to do, because it means Springtrap gets visitors more regularly." Mike walked down the hallway as Saphira followed. "I know you want to see him first, but he can be the last animatronic on the way back, before I show you the entrance to the Bedroom of Nightmares and we can then venture into the Toy Plaza."

Saphira wanted to protest, but she understood. She stared at the principal's office door. It had a green tinge to the colour of the wood, with fake moss covering some of the surface of the door. The the handle has been given a rusty appearance. And the word, Principal, on the top of the door was faded gold. And even though this place has been given that dreadful feeling, it was the place Saphira used to come all the time. It was her favorite spot, even though she would still spend time with the other animatronics at times.

"It is good that Springtrap now has more people seeing him. Though I can imagine a lot of people just walk by the door, and not bother opening it." Saphira really wanted to open the door, but she resisted the temptation for the time being. She stared at the door as they walk by it before looking away to look ahead at red, wooden doors they were approaching. They also looked like they were worn, with chips and scratch marks in the paint, and Saphira expected a similar feel in the Phantom Mess Hall too. "But I guess that is unfortunately normal here. But at least that he gets more traffic."

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