Chapter 14

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Saphira walked over to the kitchen side door to check it and found it was locked properly, which she was happy about. She was curious about what Fredbear wanted to talk about, but she was also very worried about it. He seemed genuinely worried, and he warned her that she should leave. But Saphira did not know how she was going to tell him that she might not be able to leave based on what she found, but she would have to admit she had gone through the filing cabinet in the office. Saphira was just glad she was able to ensure it was all back in the same spot, so that Mike would not notice.

"So wha' is this talk ye want to 'ave with the lass, Fredbear?" Foxy inquired with a raised eyebrow and Fredbear just glanced at him briefly before looking away. "Ye always 'ave some information that is important. Maybe I can take a guess at we ye are gonna say." Fredbear seemed surprised before smirking in amusement at Foxy's comment. He seemed to be teasing the animatronic, and Foxy sighed. "Argh, I see ye like to make fun. It is a good thing I ye aren't part of me crew, or ye would be scrubbin' the deck as payment for mockery."

Saphira could not help but giggle as she listened to Foxy. His speech pattern was exactly how she thought it would be, but it was still something she was needing to get used to. But it made Foxy seem rather adorable, if she was honest. She remembered building a model ship when she was about five, and Foxy was there watching the entire time. It was a competition, and Saphira had come second, but she had a lot of fun.

Fredbear sighed deeply as Saphira walked towards the door to walk by the cold room, freezer and pantry. "I suppose I should." His ears droop slightly and he looked at Saphira as she walked towards the door. "But I have a feeling you might already know, Saphira." Saphira jumped and looked at him with a bewildered expression, not knowing what he meant. "I happened to overhear a conversation Mike was having with his boss this morning. Mike does not like you, Saphira." That was another surprise to her, as Saphira thought Mike did like her, but understood who he worked for. "He thought Springtrap would have killed you by now."

Saphira opened the door with a hum, thinking about what Fredbear had said and walked through the door with the animatronics following. "I...I never really noticed Mike disliking me. I think there were moments in our conversations where he acted weird, but I never thought he disliked me."

"He does. But he is angrier at his boss than you." Saphira was not sure what Fredbear meant yet as she glanced at one of the freezers, noticing it was open slightly, before opening it and forcing it shut so it would stay closed. "I am sure you were surprised that Bonnie and I told you that you need to leave this place. And understandably, I know you know the reason why." Saphira nodded silently, walking to the next door and opening it into the hallway by the chapel. "However...after listening to the conversation I heard seems you won't be able to. As soon as you applied for this job, it seems that the boss was waiting for you to come back."

Saphira instantly felt goose bumps over her body and shivered, as she had already suspected that as she stepped into the hall. Freddy looked at Fredbear with shock, not knowing what to think. "I wish I could ask you if you were joking, but you've never really made a joke before." Fredbear looked at Freddy in surprise and Freddy chuckled. "I'm not kidding, you haven't really made any jokes in your life, and it is very hard to make you laugh. Especially since Saphira left."

Fredbear did not know what to say to that and looked at Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, who seemed to not look at him. "Really? Am I that serious?" Bonnie shrugged and looked away from Fredbear and Saphira shook her head in amusement as she walked to the red doors of the chapel. "I...never realized...maybe because I have been here such a long time..."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that, Fredbear." Fredbear looked at Saphira as she interrupted him gently. "Laughing is a good thing, and I have no doubt that when you laugh, it is so wonderful to hear and feel." He nodded, because it did always feel good when he laughs. "But not everyone has that nature of making jokes or laughing all the time. There's nothing wrong with that. I can't really see you as completely void of being able to laugh, because I know you can. It isn't that serious to really worry about."

Why Me? *Rewrite*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora