chapter 6

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''That's no real reason... please just speak to my master.. I hate to see him looking and feeling down because you can't forgive him'' xiao pleads.

''Xiao I said No, now please leave me. I'm tired and I wanna sleep , tell your Master to stop moping he did it to himself so he's going to own up to his mistakes.. after all that's part of being human the life HE wanted so much''

looking at xiao's face I can see that he didn't like my answer so much but I don't care they both need to understand what it means to be human and that forgiveness is a given to people who deserve it not want it

''I see then excuse me''

I leave thinking about the abyss tainted human words and that maybe there right but I still can't take them for granted ... oh well I'll just tell my master my findings of the human

I fall on my bed exhausted of the day and start to droop my eyes for my much needed sleep. The last thing I thought was , was Aether really serious about his offer and what would my answer be. At that sleep consumes me falling into pitch black nothingness

The next day

I open my eyes to see it's already morning, the sun peeking out from my half closed curtains in my apartment complex up on the bank

I must've had a good sleep since I can't remember what I dreamed of, a miracle really due to the abyss.. those nightmares are horrid.

''Well time to get up get to work I have a lot of responsibilities to do today and still have to train the new recruits from the tsarista.''

To be continued ....

Enough is enough!!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant