chapter 10

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The Traveler! They could go to him and ask for his help but where is he now?

"Does anyone with a clear mind know where to find the Traveler? And if you don't know then Mr Zhongli?"

"Mr Zhongli should be in the Wansheng Funeral Parlor right about now..."

"Yeah he's there, but Mr Zhongli and our Lord Harbinger don't get along right now. At least, that's what I've been told..."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of the famous break up of him and our Lord?! It's the talk of Liyue right now."

There was only silence and then a boom.... That's right, there's no time to gossip. They need to help their Lord.

"Okay men split up half go find me Zhongli. I need a few to go find the Traveler and the rest stay here and be ready to support our Lord by healing or enhancing him!" The commander in practice had barked, ordering everyone.

Meanwhile in Mondstadt, a certain blond traveler and his companion were roaming around, catching up with old and new friends, fighting monsters.

"Paimon wonders what Childe is doing right now?"

"Is he up to trouble again?"

"Knowing him Paimon, I wouldn't put it past him... But at least we know that he can defend himself in most death situations without help."

' Though I would like it if he didn't do that so much to the point where he gets everyone worried... '

"Hey, how about we visit him to see how he's doing?"

"Ooh, Paimon thinks that's a great idea! Paimon can just taste the bitter texture of his signature dish~"

"Is that really the reason you only like Childe, Paimon?"

"Maybe who knows?"

"I figured, now how about we head back into the inn to sleep and then hit the road tomorrow?"

"A ten to that Paimons so sleepy...."

Aether looks up into the sky where the supposed stars are and prays to Celestia to keep Childe safe or to spare him..

"Time to head back, it's been a long day."

"Liyue is so beautiful this time of year, though I fear the person by my side is of no longer"


"Aiya Zhongli, stop waxing poetry on your ex-boyfriend and come help me put up some posters!" it was Hu Tao the 77th director of the funeral parlor

"I am not waxing poetry about Childe, I am simply reminiscing about how we used to spend our days together talking and... bonding."

"Ohh, you certainly are and frankly I'm tired of it, just go and apologize to him."

"I tried to, but he wouldn't listen to me, and even told me never to see him again..."

".... Zhongli, what did you do to him?" Hu Tao was now staring at Zhongli in disbelief at what she thinks he has done to Childe.

"I may have, possibly betrayed his trust a little?" Zhongli looks away in embarrassment at what he did.

"... I can't believe you would and could have done that, but if you did then oops you messed up. I guess the almighty Rex lapis isn't immune to a human being's anger."

"How?... How did you know?"

"You're kidding me right? Your statutes are all over the place with you looking the exact same/ I don't know how nobody made the reference!"

"Oh... I never thought of that."

"Yeah, I can see that clearly!" Hu Tao stands looking at Zhongli with disappointment like he's a child in need of scolding.

"Well, anyway-"

"Excuse me Mr Zhongli, can we have you for a second!"

Both Hu Tao and Zhongli look at each other in confusion.

"Yes, do you need something, sir?"

"Yes I do, our Lord Harbinger Childe is in trouble and needs support!"

Both Zhongli and Hu Tao gasp (Zhongli more so than Hu Tao) at the thought that Childe would be in serious trouble to the point of needing help.

"Please take me to his location. I will see how I can help!" Zhongli had said in a hurried tone thinking that Childe might die if they don't get there soon.

"Aiya, so many troubles today, I need to put up some sigils! " Hu Tao exclaims.

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