chapter 12

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"Baizhu, as he prepared his supplies, Baizhu seemed to remain calm, but his sharp mind was hard at work, taking in every detail of Childe's injuries and the actions of the group.

"What happened here?" he questioned, his tone even.

As he asked the question, Qiqi, the young assistant, stepped forward with supplies of various herbs and tinctures.

Zhongli, seemingly anxious, hesitated to answer Baizhu's question. The answer, whatever it was, seemed to cause him discomfort."

"Seeing the hesitation of Zhongli, Baizhu, his suspicions growing, pressed for more details.

"What happened here this evening?" He questioned again, his tone still even, but his gaze sharp and demanding of an answer.

Zhongli was visibly tense, but was forced to respond to Baizhu's questions, trying to hide his true intentions behind a veil of half-truths.

"Oh, nothing much," he answered, "just a little skirmish."Baizhu narrowed his eyes, still not believing the words Zhongli spoke. "This man has been involved in a lot more than a simple skirmish," he thought.

He remained calm, keeping up the appearance of accepting Zhongli's explanation. But he knew better. And he would get to the truth of the matter, one way or another.

"What else happened, then?" He asked, his voice remaining calm, but his gaze fixed to Zhongli. between a few of us." "Zhongli could feel Baizhu's gaze fixed to him, and knew that he couldn't continue hiding the truth from him.

"We- we were attacked by an unknown assailant," he said. "I think it was trying to capture Child-"

Baizhu cut Zhongli off, now growing suspicious about what was actually going on.

"Who was the assailant?" Baizhu questioned, his tone now serious and demanding. "Zhongli grew tense, feeling the pressure of Baizhu's questions.

"I, I don't know," he said. "We only saw a glimpse of him before the fight began. He was wearing a mask, I can tell you that much."

Baizhu's suspicions grew stronger. He could sense Zhongli was still hiding parts of the truth from him.

"Did he have any notable features?" Baizhu questioned.

"He was wearing a mask," Zhongli repeated.

Baizhu raised his eyebrows in disbelief.""Baizhu remained suspicious, his eyes darting between Zhongli and the others in the group. He didn't want to accuse them directly of wrongdoing, but he grew certain there was more to the story than what was being told.

He turned to Qiqi, his assistant, who was standing by, observing them.

"Qiqi, let me speak with these people alone for a moment," he said.

Qiqi, not making a sound, walked out of the room. Baizhu then turned to Zhongli, his expression still questioning.'' ''Baizhu, standing over the still-injured Childe, addressed the small group of remaining Fatui soldiers. His eyes darted among them, looking for any sign of fear or weakness, but his voice remained even and calm.

"I don't know what you lot are getting yourself involved in," he said slowly, his voice suddenly growing cold, "but I must insist you leave before you further endanger not only yourself, but those around you."

The Fatui soldiers, visibly shaken by Baizhu's change in mannerisms, nodded quickly, eager to leave.""Baizhu's eyes, normally a soft brown color, suddenly turned a deep, bright yellow, almost glowing brighter than the candlelight in the room. The effect was both haunting and frightening, and the Fatui soldiers, already scared of what Baizhu could do, were further unsettled by the change.

They hurriedly stepped backward, their bodies trembling with fear. Even Zhongli and the remaining soldiers were taken aback by the sudden change in Baizhu, unsure of what to do.""Baizhu turned to face the remaining soldiers, his eyes still glowing the eerie yellow.

"I said, leave. Now."

His words were spoken quietly but held a weight and authority that made it clear that no further argument would be tolerated. Even Zhongli and his soldiers stepped back, unsure of what to do as Baizhu took action.

Enough is enough!!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon