chapter 16

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The traveler and paimon took a look at the map, intrigued by the locations marked on it by Keaya.

"So, he wants us to look around in these areas, right?" paimon asked, curious.

The traveler looked at the map, his eyes trailing over the various locations...

"That's right..." the traveler replied.

Paimon furrowed her brows, looking unsure of the task.

"But... what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?" she asked.

"He wants us to look at these locations specifically because they're experiencing an abnormal increase in abyssal energy..." the traveler noted, his eyes still on the various locations.

"Right..." paimon said, taking a look at the map.

"So, he thinks there might be a connection between the abyssal energy and those areas..."

"It is possible..." the traveler agreed, considering the theory.

"So, we're supposed to go and examine these locations, see if there's anything unusual about them..."

"Right." paimon said, seeming slightly more at ease with the task.

"But... why can't he come with us?" the traveler asked suddenly, a look of suspicion crossing his face.

The traveler had just brought up a good point: why couldn't Keaya come with them? Did he not want to get involved in the mission? Was it because he didn't trust the two of them? Or was there another reason for it?

"Well..." Paimon said, thinking about it for a moment. "Maybe he just wants us to check on it first? Before he bothers going?"

"Right..." the traveler replied, his suspicions slightly eased. "Maybe he just wants us to do some initial scouting of the areas, see if there's anything that needs investigating."

"But... why can't he come with us this time?" paimon said, still not entirely convinced about Keaya's reasoning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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