chapter 8

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the recruits all go inside of the ruins as per my instructions.

"I wonder what's wrong with the 11th harbinger," one soldier said to another.

"I don't know man but best not piss him off," the other recruit had said.

In all honesty, they were all screwed and scared, but they had already pledged their allegiance to the Tsaritsa. What the fuck are they talking about that involves me?

"Hello. Get inside the fucking ruin or I'm chopping off your heads and sending them to your family. Do you understand?"

The soldiers cowered, the 11th was really scary.

"Yes, sir!" they shouted and hurriedly went inside of the ruin fearing for their life

"It smells like a sewage tank..."

"There's so many parts of the ruin guards I wonder who did this?" another soldier muttered.

As soon as the soldier had said that, there was a blood curdling scream. One of the soldiers in the back had been hit before they could react, spilling dark watery blood on nearby comrades.


'I wonder if they have completed the first part of their trial?'

What Childe didn't know was that the soldiers didn't even get a chance to get past the first part of the trial... They were being attacked by an unknown assailant.

To be continued....

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