chapter 14

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"I've got to think of a way to find out more about the Abyss," Kaeya mused to himself. He needed to find out more about the Abyss, and was making a plan on how to do it. He had to stay in Mondstat to avoid his suspicions getting raised, but also had to find out more. Kaeya kept thinking for a second, trying to figure out what to do. "But what can I do? How can I figure out more about the Abyss? I need a way to get information on how the Abyss works." Kaeya paused for a second, thinking hard. An idea slowly started to form. "I know, I'll see if Jean knows if there's any books on it in the library." Kaeya's mind had already started working on a plan to figure out more about the Abyss. He just had to go the right way about it. "How can I go about this plan? Can I ask Jean directly, or is it better to use some guide?"

"I'll need to be sneaky. Jean is a hard worker and doesn't have too much free time. If I want to figure out about the Abyss, asking her directly won't get me anywhere. But I can't do this myself. I need to find someone who can help me look at the library. Who might know about the library's books, or who might not question why I'm asking about the Abyss?" Kaeya was deep in thought about how he could accomplish his goal. He just needed to find the right person to help him.

"But who here in Mondstat might know something about my goal? Maybe Lisa? No, she'd know too many books and be too suspicious. Sucrose? No, she'd want to study about the abyss too much. Amber? She'd be confused about my goal. Diluc? He'll want to know why I want information about the Abyss."

"But, then, there's a certain wandering traveler. They've been to a lot of different Nations, and might have information about the Abyss. After all, they could've even visited the Abyss! But how can I ask him without him getting suspicious?" Kaeya was now focused on the Traveler, and knew that he might have the answers he was looking for. But he still needed to figure out how to bring it up to the Traveler. He could just ask him directly, but then the Traveler would get suspicious and want to know why Kaeya was asking about the Abyss.

"Hmm, what can I tell the Traveler, then? What reason could I give for wanting to ask him about the Abyss? Would it be good to act like I'm just bored, or is that too suspicious? Or should I start a random conversation somehow, and work my way to the Abyss that way? So many thoughts are spinning in my head...". How can he bring up his ultimate goal to the Traveler? And how can he do it in a way that will lead to a productive conversation?

Imbibitor_luna on discord 

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