chapter 11

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Zhongli and the soldiers run out of liyue near the ruin where Childe and the assailant are still fighting

And where some other recruits are continuously healing their lord and buffing him to the best of their ability

Zhongli suddenly sprints in and blocks an Im coming attack by the assailant from Childe shocking not only him but the other party there

"Zhongli what? What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Childe I'm sorry but I can't just stand and watch while you fight and get hurt "

"Forget that I've never asked for your help so why are you here"

"Some of your men had came to get me seeing you needed help"

"That still-"

Childe was blown back by an hard attack that sent him flying into one of the ruins walls forming a crack, zhongli was now fuming since an unknown species had come here to attack childe to kill

"Zhongli and the unknown assailant clashed swords. Each wielded one with precision, but their combat was soon interrupted by another figure clad in red: Childe. With a smile, he brandished his own swords. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he eagerly entered the fray. A duel between two skilled combatants quickly turned into a chaotic clash of skills, with each participant having to adapt to the added variable of a third combatant, and adapt quickly.

"A few hours into the fight in the ruins Zhongli's powerful frame was already showing signs of struggle from the fight, his arms and legs bearing injuries and small cuts from the unknown assailant's weapons. But despite the pain, his face showed no signs of defeat, childe on the other hand was having both the time and pain of his life.

"The fight, although intense, was quick. With a final slice and powerful hit, the adversary was rendered powerless.

But Childe, bleeding heavily from many injuries, collapsed to the ground, barely conscious. A look of panic crossed Zhongli's face as he rushed to check on Childe's wounds.

"This is bad," he said as he tried to stop the blood flow. "We need to find a doctor, or he won't make it."

Childe, in a near-unconscious state, tried to say something, but only managed to croak."

"Zhongli and his group dashed to a local pharmacy, with Zhongli trying his best to stop Childe's bleeding. As they approached the door, Baizhu, a local doctor and pharmacist, stepped outside with his supplies, spotting the group in a hurry.

Baizhu quickly assessed Childe's situation, gathering supplies from his bag. "Come in quickly," he told them as baizhu had put childe on his operation table asses the situation. He appeared to be calm but Behind his gentle demeanor, Baizhu, the local pharmacist, was a cunning and shrewd individual. As he prepared to tend to Childe's injuries, his face revealed little of his thoughts, but his brain was already hard at work.

He had no reason to believe, based on the circumstances, that Childe and the rest of the group were up to any good. In fact, everything seemed to indicate that they'd been in some kind of fight, but the details of why were still fuzzy.

He had to be wary."

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