chapter 13

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Baizhu sat down on the small wooden stool placed next to where Childe was sat. The redhead was propped up in bed with pillows of varying sizes, bandages encasing his torso in a colorless stretch of white, the scatter of plasters and gauze covering his upper body not helping create any contrast. He was staring off and had spoken with, "How are you feeling now, Childe?"

"I'm feeling better, thanks for asking," Childe replied. Baizhu nodded his head, but he felt that Childe wasn't really being honest. He pushed, "So, what happened in your fight?"

Childe gulped, and said, "I'd rather not talk about it."

Baizhu smiled at Childe, "Well, you're here in my clinic. I think I deserve to know what happened." The doctor started asking questions, and the interrogation began. Baizhu's careful questions kept cutting deeper and deeper, as Childe could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Baizhu's clever mind was slowly but surely pulling more and more of the truth from Childe, and there was nothing Childe could do to stop it.

Childe was sweating now, knowing that he couldn't keep the truth from Baizhu. He thought for a few moments, trying to think of a way out. But he couldn't think of one that would fool Baizhu. He sighed, and said, "Fine. Just please promise me you'll keep this between us, okay?"

Baizhu nodded, "Of course. So what happened?"

Childe took a deep breath, and began to tell the truth.

Childe started to talk, and said, "Well, what I was fighting was something from the Abyss."

Baizhu was taken aback, "From the Abyss? You mean one of the Abyss Heralds?"

"Something like that," Childe replied. Baizhu's face was one of shock, and he was filled with questions.

"Why did you fight him? Was it your choice? What were you trying to accomplish?"

Childe sighed, "Let's just say that I don't have a choice in what I do. I'm just a soldier following orders."

Baizhu was quiet for a second. He knew that Childe was hiding something, and knew he needed to tread carefully if he wanted to figure it out. He finally asked, "Who exactly are you working for?"

Childe was silent for a moment, and then said, "All I am allowed to tell you is that my master is powerful enough to make even Archons fear her."

Childe's words sent a chill down Baizhu's spine. He knew the type of power that could scare even gods, and he knew that Childe must be working for someone truly dangerous.

Baizhu stared at him for a moment and then said, "If you can't tell me who your master is, then I think it's better that I don't know anything more. I'd rather keep myself safe than know your dangerous secrets."

Childe was silent for a moment, then nodded his head slowly.

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