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"Luci- help me to get syrup from a maple tree." Adam called out to his angel, trying to climb up the tree. "Please-."

"No. You are allergic to maple syrup." Lucifer simply turned it down. Adam pouted. "But I like it more than honey. Besides, the bees don't like me! They sting me always."

"You should ask the bees, not try to steal. The hives are theirs." Lucifer teased Adam. Then Adam got down from the tree trunk with a look like that of a moody teenager and went to look for the hives.

A few minutes later, Lucifer heard his scream. Adam came back, stumbling and covering his face with his hands. His face and arms were covered with pink-red liquid. Oh, no- Is he bleeding? Has he been hurt by bee stings? Lucifer rushed to him with worry on his face. Adam suddenly showed his face. He had... something like blushes on his cheeks.


It was just... It was a cheek makeup done with pomegranate juice. It was a tacky imitation of Lucifer's. Adam was absolutely laughing his head off, seeing the angel's sullen face.

"...Happy?" Lucifer grumbled. "Yeah, I'm Happy. HAHA! I got you again!"

Lucifer had been the only prankster before. Adam was always in the position of being the target of his jokes. But at some point, Adam played more pranks on him. He started to create more pranks and jokes in a similar way he had gotten them.

Adam had learned so many things from the angel, and absorbed various emotions like a sponge. Adam thought Lucifer was cool and brilliant. He used to break the rules and think in a creative way. Whatever he did was intriguing. Adam loved to copy him.

Meanwhile, Lucifer loved the man's creativity. Lucifer was an outsider, a rebellious geek, and stood out in a bad way. But Adam was different. He said Lucifer was cool, and admired every creation Lucifer made. He was the only fan. The only friend.

It was natural that Adam was getting to be similar to the angel. The more they got along, the more Adam got to be mischievous, inventive, and create his own values and mindset not following convention.

Adam had made his own world with the angel. They loved to do it.

One day, Adam was invited over to heaven. It was the first time that Adam was called to their place. Lucifer was a little worried.

"Do you want me to be with you?"

"Hey, Daddy. Do you think I'm a newborn baby? No worries-." Adam giggled. The shiny fog wrapped him up to take him. "See ya soon!"


Lucifer thought it would take around 3 hours at best. But Adam had left in the morning, lunchtime passed, and he still didn't come back yet.

What kind of talk could take this long? Just when he decided to follow, Adam came back with the magical fog and it disappeared.

"Home sweet home, babe?" Lucifer teased to provoke Adam's reaction. But Adam looked quite down for some reason. His shoulder was being slumped. He was gawking, before he heard his angel's voice. He quickly headed on.

"Ughh- that nagging elders! It was so boring." He complained, stretching himself.

"What happened?" "Well, just classic nitpicking. 'Behave, be a good boy,' like that kind of crap. So tired."

Lucifer noticed at once that he wasn't the same as usual. They had been together for too long, enough to catch his state just by listening to each other's voice.

"What happened?" Lucifer knew he had asked the same thing just a second ago, but he repeated, which meant he couldn't hear the accurate answer yet. Adam didn't meet the angel's eyes. He walked to the stream and sat down beside it. He picked up a piece of gravel. He fingered it for no reason and tossed it into the stream. Lucifer sat next to him, patiently waiting.

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