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You used up your chance, Adam.

The disobedient Adam came to have free will, and no being needed angels anymore. He would be deleted from this world. Then their new man would be born and replace him. Everything sank in and became clear in Adam's mind.

He was going to die today. Right here. There were no angels who cared about the first Adam. Those angels, they didn't matter to Adam, too. He only had to know this.

"Luci... Lucifer knows this? Did he know all?"

That I will die, be erased and replaced like nothing happened?

Sera hesitated. So Michael answered with eyes like asking Adam if that was the only question you wanted to ask at your last moment. "Yes. He knows."


"He knows you will die today."

"LIAR!" The spears aimed at Adam's neck. They were about to execute. They forced Adam to get down on his knees.

Adam needed to meet Lucifer. He had to listen 'he didn't know' from his mouth.

But how? He would be far from this venue. How can I let him know?

Adam laughed awkwardly. "Alright, easy. I just... didn't expect it. No offense."

They thought he would speak his last words, so they waited for him.

"Anyway, I'd like to congratulate you all. Sincerely." Adam pulled out something from his clothes, trying not to make any sudden move. It was a lyre.

"Let me play a wedding song I prepared for today. It's quite a surprise that I'm not the groom of this wedding, by the way-"

Michael gave Sera a disapproving look. But Sera nodded to Adam.

He started playing the strings. That's a bright melody in contrast with his inside. Nobody knows, there was an implicit promise between them. One of them plays the music, the other comes to meet him. They could hear each other's songs wherever they were for some reason. Adam prayed Lucifer could hear this. He hoped he could notice something happened to Adam.

The playing was about to end. "Thank you, man. It's so heartbreaking." Michael pulled his arm back to prepare to attack.

"Then, well. Bye."

The place suddenly fell silent. The next thing Adam knew, it was too quiet. He closed his eyes, preparing himself to be pierced by the spears and the terrible pain.

But he wasn't hurt. A strong wind blew all around. Adam instinctively crouched. He barely opened his eyes. The scene had changed all of a sudden.

The scary angels with weapons were lying on the ground. Some of them were being thrown against the walls like mounted art. Every intricate stained glass window was broken. Only then did he realize it wasn't silent.

He had temporarily become deaf from the terrific crash.

He was regaining his hearing and all of the noises were coming back.

A heavy storm was sweeping the place, simply blowing away the strong angels in heaven.


Adam could hear the voice. He knew who it was before he looked back. But the voice was absolutely different from what he had heard forever. It sounded like thunder.


Adam could see a short angel standing behind him. With his six wings unfolding, the angel glared his eyes in fury. Third, fourth, and more eyes appeared on his robe and wings. He stepped forward, shoving Adam to his backside.

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