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Due to the information Emily had leaked, Adam managed to escape heaven, taking advantage of the absence of all Seraphim. He successfully sneaked out to the garden of the king. Fuck yeah! Finally!

He was more thrilled than he expected. He didn't know he had felt so stifled in heaven this much. Maybe he had just become accustomed to his life, not to be like satisfied. The life in heaven, everybody looked happy except for him who had been meaninglessly struggling to fill his insides with something.

Now he doubted whether he ever belonged there.

Since the seventh extermination had been carried out a few days ago, hell was unusually quiet everywhere. Adam carefully approached, trying to keep quiet. He hadn't put on his mask to avoid drawing attention. He broke into the castle through the window.

Adam came here to find out the answer to the insatiable thirst that had plagued him for his whole life.

Lucifer, the demon, must have cast a spell on him. Maybe since Eden. Only that assumption could explain all the mysteries. For a strong curse like that, it may have called for a place like an altar. Then the place should be hidden in this castle.

Adam's eyes darted to the large ballroom. If he were hiding a secret, where would it be? Maybe not an open space like this. The basement would be the prime candidate, but Adam couldn't find a way downstairs.

So he wandered around the large hall, kitchen, and dining room to start. Every space was too big. He didn't see anything suspicious apart from a bunch of rubber ducks. Those yellow things were literally everywhere. I can't believe that his ex-wife had married a rubber duck pervert, he thought.

He couldn't find anything, so he returned to the main hall. The ceiling must have been more than a hundred feet high. There wasn't a single living being in the huge space. It looked more like a haunted castle than a house. Shit... spooky. Is Lucifer really living here? Alone?

Adam had thought Lucifer had enjoyed the powers of the king and had thrown wild parties every day. Drunken and wasted, decadent, hot like that. But he couldn't find any sign of carpe diem in the castle. What he could see was only hollowness.

He finished scanning the first floor. There was no appropriate place to hide something. Then the next floor. Adam carefully headed upstairs. The King's bedroom would be on this floor. So he had to muffle his steps much quieter.

Even if he did so, every stair made a subtle creak as he stepped on it. Sweat started to run down his back with anxiety.

Adam walked through the arched door and entered the dark hallway. Closed doors lined up down the way. He tiptoed along.

Everywhere he went, the yellow piles caught his eyes. There were far more on this floor. What do all these rubber ducks do? Had the fallen angel been collecting or making these for decades? Wow, perfect. Amazingly pathetic. The king may have been trying his best. It would be the only way he knew. Even the king of hell seemed unsure of how to fill the void.

As Adam looked around there, he felt like he was watching his own insides. Where the only things that remained were the huge emptiness and the miserable evidence, of all the attempts and fights to fill it with whatever.

At the end of the path, there was a door. Light shone through the chinks in the door.

There was barely audible music coming out from behind it.

Is Lucifer staying up? Oh, shit. If he was caught, he didn't want to know what would happen next.

It would be better to go back to the first floor.

As soon as he concluded that, he turned and took a step back.


Adam jumped with fright, as the fucking duck toy squeaked under his left foot, echoing through the damn hallway all over. The faint music from the room abruptly stopped.

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