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In heaven, the day of the Extermination meeting, 1:00 p.m.

"... That's why we must highlight this exceptional pact."

She addressed, holding some papers. "It wouldn't be as easy as we got approval from Seraphim..."

Lute stopped briefing. She was not only a warrior but also a secretary of this man. It wasn't mandatory as a soldier, but it's like she volunteered for him. For the record, she was the only applicant.

So he was supposed to focus on whatever she said, especially if the agenda was really, really important.

"...Sir, may I proceed?"

"Oops- sorry, sorry." The first man said with his mouth full of food.

"I think these roasted ribs are the best of my fucking life! It is- it, um. Dunno. Ten thousand years maybe? Wow, am I that old? Eww..."

He shook his head with a disgusted look. "Anyway. Please continue with the wonderful speech."

The first man, Adam, was having his favorite lunch, listening to his lieutenant's briefing. Why is this guy eating something all day? Lute thought. Trying to get accustomed to him, she put the piece of documents on the table. She leaned against the wall crossing her arms.

"You look confident, sir."

"Of course. Lute!" he put the food down and rested his arms on the backrest. "It's me, Adam. The first man. A man of men. And Seraphim promised they would back us up. They agreed we kill all- um, how do you say? to kill all. In the fancy way."

"Extermination." Lute said right after. "That's our plan to control the population."

"That was just a good excuse to convince the Sera family. Our pure goal is-"

"To slaughter the dirty sinners." Lute continued. Adam smirked contentedly. "Attagirl, smart."

Lute hated the sinners as much as Adam did. The idiots had a chance once and blew it off with their own hands. And now, they were whining for what they never deserved. Once extermination started they would know it was mercy that they had been alive by then.

Adam seemed to have finished his lunch. He poured a digestif wine into his glass.

"Anyway, the side of hell will regard our suggestion as quite aggressive. But by word on the street, the hell's king only makes more of his family. So we should assure them of the safety of the royal family. The king's brat, Charlotte, and um..."

Lute hesitated to mention the name of the Morning Star family, Lilith. Lute took a glimpse of Adam to read his face. He just snorted and sipped his wine. Lute opened her mouth to ask the question she had been wondering about for long.

"Are you sure, Adam? As Sera suggested, we can do this meeting through a hologram. You don't need to meet Lucifer Morningstar in person."

"Fuck yeah I have to!" he put the glass on the table without considering the crash noise.

"That bastard has stolen my wife! Me- the dickmaster's wife, he dares! I have to see the bastard's brazen face." he smirked in a rage.

"You've never met him?" Lute raised a brow. "I thought you did when you two were in Eden."

"No." Adam furrowed his brow. "What I could see was only his back, short and miserable, just before he fell to hell. And some portraits of him. Look!"

He showed paintings that deliberately illustrated the looks of the fallen angel awfully. "Shit... I've never imagined Lilith had an ugly Gollum kink."

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