Untitled Part 1

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Setting/Genre: Western, Soul Transmigration, Mystery

When to Read: When you want to enjoy a soft romance and a calmly progressing mystery!



Tan Quartz (Male)
A 25-year-old handsome mercenary with black hair and bright blue eyes. He is extremely skilled, possessing exceptional observational skills, strong patience, and outstanding survival abilities. Although he can be rough around the edges, he is careful and reserved around those he cares about. While staying in Damian City due to an injury, he receives a request from Joshua. He initially accepts the job simply for the money, but Joshua's unusual financial sense and lack of survival skills begin to worry him.


Joshua Vasatiya Vintscaya (Male) → Albert Letier

A 29-year-old man who was born with a weak body and died. He was reincarnated into the body of 32-year-old Albert Letier. Logical and calm, hates losing. As a former Grand Duke, he is well-versed in law and has excellent information gathering and analysis skills. His standards for frugality are different from others, so he does not think of himself as extravagant. He is decisive and straightforward, even in his approach to love. He is attracted to Tan, a capable, kind, and handsome employee.

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A faint pounding and voices echoed in the distance. My head throbbed as I lifted my head, then winced as it hit the back of the bed again. That forced my eyes open. The first thing I noticed was a brown stain on the ceiling.

"I'm so thirsty..."

A hoarse croak escaped my throat. My eyes were gritty, and my hands felt sticky. I wiped the pills stuck to my palms on the sheet and managed to stand up, using the bed for support.

The room was bright. Dust particles in the air caught the sunlight and glistened like gold. I covered my mouth as a cough erupted. There were no pillows on the bed, and a thin, sorry excuse for a blanket lay crumpled on the floor. A brown bottle rolled around next to an overturned water glass, surrounded by a mess of spilled white pills. The filth around me made me irritable.

There were six thin scars on my left wrist. I counted them, running my fingers over them as I continued to look around, then froze. My cough had stopped without me realizing it. Breathing was easier too.

A laugh escaped me.

The demon had kept his promise. I was alive again.

The doctor had said I wouldn't make it to thirty. All the treatments in the world couldn't do anything for my frail body, the way I was born. I was always sickly. There wasn't a single day in my life when I wasn't in pain, but I wanted to live, even if it meant suffering a little more.

Bianca scolded me for thinking such morbid thoughts. She'd tear up as she told me to focus on getting better. I'd just smile back, wordlessly. She was right, it was morbid. Wishing for something impossible.

In the end, I didn't even make it to twenty-nine.

I was filled with regret. So much so that I sat on the balcony, staring at my own corpse.

It takes fifteen days to mourn the dead, hold a funeral, and bury them. I would be staying here during that time. After another fifteen days, when the memorial service was over, I would go to either heaven or hell. Not that I was interested in either place.

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