Untitled Part 20

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As soon as we returned to the three-story house, Tan went straight to the kitchen. It seemed like he hadn't eaten enough at the restaurant. I wasn't hungry, but I didn't want to leave him to eat alone, so I sat down at the table.

He was satisfied with a meal of bread, butter, and milk.

When I exclaimed that he ate really well, he replied that I ate less. Compared to Joshua Vasatia Vintscaya, Albert Letier ate a surprisingly large amount. However, I didn't understand why he was said to eat little.

Tan added with a touch of self-righteousness.

"Well, I guess it makes sense since you don't really move around much, Professor."

"I actually move around quite a bit, you know."

"No, you don't."

I waited for him to finish eating while we made small talk. He washed the dishes and put them away, then left the kitchen.

On the way up to the third floor, Tan picked up a small cupboard. I absentmindedly picked up the other identical cupboard, but my arm suddenly went weak. As I was groaning on the stairs, Tan, who was organizing the drawers in the storage room, ran down the stairs and took the cupboard on me.

"Don't overdo it."

"I thought I could lift it."

"But judging by your appearance, you don't seem like someone who has ever lifted anything heavier than a pen?"

"Am I weak?"

"Well, you're not exactly strong, are you?"

My shoulders slumped.

I was staying in Damian City to find out who Albert Leticia was and how much wealth he had, but I had no intention of living in this city forever.

I wanted to travel. I wanted to build a campfire, chew on jerky, and tell stories of my adventures with the people I met on the road.......

Of course, I don't have any epic travel stories yet, but I'm sure something exciting will happen eventually. But if my body isn't strong enough, then traveling might be too difficult.

"It would be tough to travel like this, wouldn't it?"

"It depends on where you're going. Professor, are you going on a trip?"

"I'd like to see the Hulaba Desert, Lake Yuuhi, and the Tassem Cliffs. Also, the Black Sea of Anem. And it would be nice to see the Tartuna Falls in the Lyuba Mountains and the underground labyrinth of Pallier."

Tan stopped pushing the dresser into the closet and turned around. His expression was as shaky as a chewed up kaeaman nut.


"Is it impossible?"

"Well, there is a way."


"You can hire mercenaries. You'll need skilled and reliable mercenaries, though. If you hire about fifteen of them, three of you should be able to survive, including you, Professor. Of course, if there's no compelling reason to go, it's best not to go."

"Thank you for your advice. It seems like I'll need to prepare a lot."


Tan said he would clean up the warehouse a bit more and then go to bed. He said goodbye and went into his bedroom.

He stood by the window and looked out at the landscape, sighing heavily. His head hurt as he thought about Louisiana and the blonde woman. He didn't think he would be able to sleep if he went to bed like this.

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