Untitled Part 24

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An employee who had heard from Tan about what had happened at the police station spread the word to the customers. The customers banged on the tables and shouted, making a noisy uproar as they talked about slaughtering a pig or roasting a sheep.

A man with a white cloth wrapped around his head and a large robe on shouted, "I'll buy the beer! Let's eat and die!" A woman with yellow eyes like a snake replied, "I'll buy the rum! Let's drink and die!" Then a man with half-shaved hair and arms as thick as tree trunks stomped his feet and shouted, "Wine is too expensive! But I'll buy it! Let's get drunk and die!"

Thinking that getting drunk seemed to be the culture here, I started to say, "Then I'll buy the side dishes*..." but Tan's hand covered my mouth.

*안주 > the food you eat with alcohol

"Professor, the police station is enough for food."

Tan whispered softly in my ear. I had asked thoughtlessly if the police station was buying food, and I became the laughingstock of the customers.

The woman who burst out laughing raised the glass in front of me and shouted.

"If you're a mercenary, bottoms up!"

"Oooooh, that's a good spirit!"

"That's like your a inspector, Bella!"

The people clapped their hands and went wild. Everyone put away their food and pushed the tables together to start drinking.

Tan ordered two plates of grilled pork with spices, regardless, and I added potato soup and assorted fruits to the order.

As I spread lemon jam on white bread and looked around, I saw that everyone was emptying their glasses like they were half-crazy. Tan, who had finished his share of food surprisingly quickly, raised his hand.

"Three glasses of rum, beer, and wine here!"

Three large glasses of alcohol arrived immediately.

I stirred my potato soup and asked.

"Do you like alcohol?"

"It's free."

Tan grinned and poured the rum into his mouth.

People quickly emptied their glasses and got drunk just as quickly. Some sang, some danced, and some waved forks around and were knocked out by someone else's fist. Then they fell asleep one by one on the table, and the employees mercilessly threw them out of the door.

It was a mess, but it was fun. I felt like I was in an adventure novel. It was completely different from the banquets, balls, and festivals I knew. So it felt like a dream.

Tan, who had emptied his beer and wine in one go, picked up the rum glass and asked.

"Aren't you going to drink, Professor?"

I shook my head.

"I'm weak to alcohol."

"But one drink is okay, right?"


"Drink it. We have to make the fools who said they would pay for everyone go broke.

Tan raised his hand. A waiter soon brought a glass of red wine. The red and purple were mixed together, making it look almost black.

Since I had a glass of wine at my coming-of-age ceremony and suffered for two days, no one had offered me alcohol since then. Even if someone had offered me a drink, Joshua Vasatia Vintscaya, who would get a fever if he walked a few steps after going for a walk, would have naturally refused.

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