Untitled Part 13

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I came home to find that my house was still a mess. I carefully made my way up to the third floor, avoiding the furniture and belongings that were strewn about here and there. 

 When I entered my bedroom, I saw that my belongings were scattered all over the floor. I thought about cleaning it up, but then I decided to just leave it. I was going to go to bed soon anyway. 

 I took off my clothes and hung them on the chair where I usually hang my clothes. The cold air touched my bare skin and I shivered. I rummaged through my closet, but I couldn't find a thick nightgown no matter how hard I looked. It seemed like the one I wore yesterday was the last one I had. In the end, I took out a thin nightgown that looked like it was for summer and put it on, then put on a fluffy robe over it. 

Suddenly, I had an idea and I started counting my clothes. Fortunately, it looked like I would have enough clothes to wear tomorrow. The problem was the day after that. I was thinking about this for a while when Tan knocked on the door loudly.

 "Professor, can I come in?"

"Sure," I said. 

He half-heartedly pushed his upper body into the room. Then, fluttering the torn sleeve of his shirt, he asked,  "My shirt is in this state. There's an iron in the room I'm staying in, can I use it?" 

"Are you hurt?" 

Tan smiled broadly. "Of course not. It only ripped my clothes. There was a nail stuck in a place I didn't expect." 

"That's a relief." 

"So can I use it?" 

"Yes, and if you need anything else besides the iron, just use it. You don't have to come and ask me." 

"Where would that be? This is not my house, it's your house, Professor. It's your stuff." 

"It's more of a hassle for you to ask permission for each and every thing." 

Tan frowned.

"What if I touch something that's inconvenient to touch and then what are you going to do?" 


"I don't want you to chirp later that I invaded your privacy." 

"It's okay. I don't know what kind of things would be inconvenient for you to show others, so it doesn't matter."

I tapped my temple with my finger. Tan let out a sigh. 

"If that's what you think, Professor, then fine. But don't say two things with one mouth.*" 

[*don't say one thing but mean another]


 "And about the warehouse, there was no money bag. I found a warranty for the furniture and a few paintings. There were also some pretty expensive baby toys and jewelry. The baby clothes are in such bad condition that I don't think they're usable." 

 "You work fast. Thanks for your hard work."

"I'm done with the warehouse, so where should we look tomorrow?"

"Well... what about this room or the study?"

"Your room too, Professor?"

"I didn't find anything when I looked, but it's not impossible that we'll find something. It's a long shot, but we might as well."

"I don't mind. But Professor, can I ask you one thing?"


"What the hell is that?" 

Tan stretched out his hand and pointed to one side of the room. I turned my head following the tip of his finger and saw clothes piled up on the chair. I wondered why he was asking when it was obvious, but I answered him anyway.

"They're the outer clothes, underwear, and pajamas I wore the day before yesterday and yesterday. Why?"

"Why are you leaving them there? Don't you wash your clothes?"

I blinked. It was something I had never thought about.

"Wash my clothes?"

Tan blinked too. He looked back and forth between the clothes piled on the chair and my face, then asked,

"So you just wear your clothes once and throw them away?"

I confidently opened my mouth to answer, then stopped.

Joshua Basatia Vintescaya used to have countless servants by his side. When he took off his clothes, they disappeared somewhere, and clean clothes would appear without him having to worry about it. He had never even thought about what happened to the clothes he took off. 

"That's not it, but..."

I trailed off.

Tan sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "I'll teach you how to do laundry tomorrow. I need to do my own laundry anyway."

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