Untitled Part 7

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I hailed a carriage from the alley in front of my house. It was a short ride to the Royal Academy. After handing over the money, I passed through the main gate. White buildings were magnificently connected. I looked around and entered the largest building.

The Royal Academy was similar to what I had imagined. However, the professors at the Royal Academy were different from what I had imagined.

"What is going on here?"

I was walking down the hallway lined with professors' offices, looking for Albert Letier's private office. A middle-aged woman with her hair tightly tied back suddenly grabbed my arm. Her voice was sharp, contrasting with her round and gentle appearance.

Even though she was rude, I didn't want to be rude back. I took her arm away and answered obediently.

"I'm on my way to work."

"What do you mean? Professor Letier hasn't been honest, has he?"

I stared at the middle-aged woman in surprise at her unexpected words. She didn't even try to hide her contemptuous expression and continued speaking.

"You're still coming to work even after being suspended? You're really dedicated. Or should I say shameless? I haven't seen you for a few days, and..."

The middle-aged woman continued to rant for a long time. I sifted through her harsh words for information. Professor Letier had been suspended, and the professor in front of me seemed to pathologically hate Albert Letier.

Before long, a crowd had gathered around us. But instead of stopping the middle-aged woman, they all looked at me and clicked their tongues or whispered. It seemed that, like this middle-aged woman, most of the people at the Royal Academy considered Professor Letier an eyesore.

"Guards are usually not interested in professors. They are interested in criminals."

The guard's words came to mind. I also thought about the strange notes I found in Albert Letier's bedroom. Could there be a connection to the hostility I was seeing from the people at the Royal Academy?

While I was considering the situation, the bald man stepped in front of the middle-aged woman.

"Come now, don't be so sharp, Professor Milman."

"Professor Oster!"

"Perhaps Professor Letier is simply worried about the students who will miss his literature and art classes? It may be a useless worry, but his thoughts may be different from yours and Professor Milman's."

"That's a lame excuse."


"What's wrong with not learning literature? It's been a while since Professor Letier was suspended, but nothing bad has happened. The students are calm. Just look at the current situation. Don't you see how insignificant subjects like literature and art are?"

"Come on, calm down. I'm not arguing that literature is important. I'm just trying to understand Professor Letier. He's acting strangely by showing up at the Royal Academy even after being suspended."

He's not wrong.

It hasn't been long since subjects such as literature, art, and music were included in the Royal Academy's curriculum.

My grandmother, no, Angela the Grand Duchess, Joshua Basatia Vyntisky's grandmother, was interested in education. She used financial support as a pretext to intervene in the operation of the Royal Academy and advocated for whole-person education, establishing new subjects such as literature, painting, and music. In other words, these subjects were introduced into the Royal Academy not because their necessity was recognized, but because of pressure from the powerful.

Therefore, it was understandable that the professors treated them lightly. In private, it was not a problem. However, this was inside the Royal Academy, a public place.

I licked my lips lightly. I firmed my lips and joined the conversation between Professor Oster and Professor Milman.

"Do you think literature is trivial?"

"Is it important, then?"

"Professor Milman, you are speaking very inappropriately. Her Royal Highness Grand Duchess Angela introduced literature to the Royal Academy. If you insult that subject in a public place, Her Majesty the Queen might be offended. Even if Her Majesty is magnanimous, His Grace Grand Duke Vyntisky will certainly be displeased."

Professor Milman blinked rapidly.

"I respect Grand Duchess Angela. Why would I insult her? I find Professor Letier's thoughts suspicious for twisting my words in such a strange way. He's been suspended, yet he shamelessly shows his face at the Royal Academy..."

"I spoke out of concern. It's unfortunate that you took it the wrong way."

"Concern? Why are you worried about me?"

"Even when spoken with good intentions, people can misunderstand. It's easier than you think to turn a good person into a bad person. Don't you think so, Professor Oster?"

Professor Oster's expression changed. He glanced back and forth between me and Professor Milman and coughed loudly.

"Misunderstandings start from trivial things... I can't say Professor Letier is wrong."

Professor Milman bit his lip.

Professor Oster stepped forward, as if to appease him.

"Anyway, since Professor Letier has come all this way, it would be better if he had something to do. How about Professor Letier taking over Professor Chelsea's class, Professor Milman? It's a sudden decision, so he might be short on time to prepare for the class."


Professor Milman narrowed his eyes. Professor Oster nodded. Seeing this, Professor Milman quickly replied.

"Yes, that's a good idea. If I suddenly go in and tell them to play a dance piece, the students will be confused. They probably haven't practiced enough yet."

"Yes, yes. That's what I mean, Professor Milman. What do you think, Professor Letier?"

It wasn't a favor. It seemed like there was something else going on.

Here is the translation of the next part of Chapter 7 of your book:

Chapter 7 (continued)

I hid my feelings and smiled.

"If you give it to me, I will gladly do it."

Professor Oster patted me on the shoulder. Then he put his lips close to my ear and whispered.

"Don't be too offended. Don't read too much into the conversation. Professor Milman was on edge because Professor Chelsea suddenly fell ill and had to take a leave of absence, which suddenly increased his lecture hours."

I took Professor Oster's hand and took a step back. He shrugged and smiled.

"Of course. Is it the next class?"

"I'll show you to the classroom. My class time is still a long way off."

Professor Oster led the way. The people who were watching gradually dispersed. I looked around once, then followed Professor Oster.

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