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Anum's ears were greeted by the incessant sound, each beep echoing through her skull like a relentless drumbeat. Her whole body felt like it had been crushed, as if a truck had mercilessly rolled over her, leaving behind a trail of excruciating pain. Every nerve screamed in protest as she struggled to even twitch a finger.

Slowly, Anum dared to crack open her heavy eyelids, only to be met with a blinding brightness that seared through her retinas. It felt as though she hadn't seen light in ages, as if she had been submerged in a deep, dark abyss for an eternity. With a grimace, she shut her eyes tightly once more, seeking refuge from the overwhelming glare.

Summoning all her strength, she tentatively pried her eyes open again, this time more prepared for the assault of light. Blinking against the harsh glare, she gradually adjusted to her surroundings. The sterile scent of disinfectant invaded her senses, and the beeping sound now seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of her heartbeat.

Anum's gaze drifted around the room, finally taking in the sterile, white walls and the familiar sight of hospital equipment. IV tubes snaked their way from bags of fluid into her veins, tethering her to the reality of her situation. She was in a hospital room, but how she got there remained a hazy mystery, lost in the fog of her throbbing pain.

The sudden creaking of the door pierced the air. Her gaze snapped towards the door, meeting the intense stare of the person she had dreaded encountering. The eyes bore into hers with an unsettling intensity, sending a shiver down her spine. It was as though every fear she had ever known had taken shape in those piercing eyes, leaving her paralyzed with dread.

Anum's eyes widened in sheer terror, mirroring the panic that gripped her like a vice. It was a primal fear, one that rendered her speechless and motionless, as if she had come face to face with a specter from her worst nightmares.

As her breathing grew more labored, the beeping of the machines surrounding her seemed to escalate in tandem, adding to the cacophony of her panic.

Irtaza tried to approach her, but Anum began to cry loudly.

"Sir, please let me check." The female doctor rushed towards her and tried to calm her down.With a gentle touch, she began to assess Anum's condition, her movements precise and methodical. She checked her pulse, her temperature, her breathing, all the while offering words of reassurance like a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of uncertainty. "Try to focus on your breathing," "In... and out."

With each measured breath, Anum felt a glimmer of calm begin to take hold, slowly unraveling the tight knot of fear that had gripped her chest. The doctor's presence was a beacon of stability in the chaos. She carefully took off Anum's IV tube and placed a band-aid over the site. She provided her with important instructions on self-care to expedite her recovery process.

Irtaza's chest tightened with a surge of frustration as he watched Anum find solace in the presence of the doctor, a pang of jealousy gnawing at him from within. His hands curled into tight fists at his sides, nails digging into his palms as he struggled to contain the storm of emotions brewing within him. His jaw clenched with a steely resolve, He wanted to lash out, to demand Anum's attention and affection, to demand to be the one she turned to in times of need, but he knew deep down that her condition was sensitive.

The doctor handed Irtaza a set of ointments and painkillers, along with specific instructions. "Sir, these are the ointments and painkillers she is supposed to take. I've already given her antibiotics which will make her drowsy", she said gently. "And please, no intercourse for at least two weeks."

Anum's heart raced with fear as she realized the doctor was about to leave her alone with Irtaza. "D-doc..." she managed to croak, her words catching in her throat as coughs overtook her. The doctor hurried back to her side and helped her to sit up. Placing a glass of water near her trembling lips, she supported Anum as she took hesitant sips, soothing her parched throat.

"Don't leave, please."

"Out," Irtaza's stern voice commanded, sending shivers down Anum's spine. The doctor halted her actions immediately, casting a sympathetic glance at Anum before swiftly exiting the room.

As he advanced towards her, Anum quickly cowered away, fearing that he might hurt her. Ignoring her reaction, he gently picked her up in his arms, causing her to squeal.
Her fear of him multiplied; she doesn't think she will ever be able to defy him again.

As he exited the room, Anum realized that she had been hospitalized in the mansion only. Irtaza made his way upstairs to their room, gently placing her on the bed and covering her properly with a comforter.

He gently caressed her cheeks and said, "Meri Jaan nikaaldi thi tumne. Don't do that again." (You scared me, my love. Don't do that again.)

Anum remained silent, tears welling in her eyes. "The driver will pick up your mom and Emaan in the evening. They're worried about you. Sab ko tension de di tumne. (You've caused everyone so much worry.)

Glancing at his watch, he added, "I have to go out of town for some work. Raat mein mulaqaat karta hun tum se" With a tender kiss on her forehead, he left the room. (I'll see you tonight.)

The least he could've done was to leave her in the washroom. She desperately wanted to take a shower. Thankfully, all the pain in her body had become numb due to the antibiotics the doctor had given her. As if her prayers were heard, the door opened, and a young girl entered in a wearing a Nurse uniform. Good morning, ma'am. I'm Lisa, Annalisa. I'll be taking care of you when sir is not here," she said with a gentle smile on her lips.

Anum slightly smiled back at her. "Oh, hi. Can you please help me get to the washroom? I really want to take a bath."

"Of course, ma'am. Let me quickly run a bath for you."

After running a bath for Anum, Annalisa returned and helped Anum get up. Both her feet were thickly bandaged, and she was able to take steps using her heels. The nurse helped her take off her gown and sat her in the bathtub. As she was about to leave, Anum stopped her.

"Listen. How long was I unconscious for?"

"Three days, ma'am. Can I say something if you don't mind?"


"Sir loves you a lot. He never once left your side. He even slept while sitting beside you on a chair."

"I'll take it from here. You can leave. Thank you." Anum politely dismissed her, unable to listen to praises for him, who was nothing but a devil in an angel's disguise.

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