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Anum's eyelids fluttered, reluctantly yielding to the gentle intrusion of sunlight. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, her gaze fell upon the golden rays dancing through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Yet, the tranquility of the morning was shattered by the weight of memories from the previous night, each one crashing over her like relentless waves against a shore. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, her chest burdened by the weight of a heavy rock.


Along with that, she is also burdened by the weight of humiliation. She left her husband and her family for Shehreyar, nearly succumbing to adultery for someone who has never loved her. Yet, despite this, why did the connection with him feel so genuine?

Morning melancholy is definitely the worst of all.

Tears found their way into her hair, trickling down her temples. Why does it have to hurt this bad?

Though she had never harmed anyone, it seemed that misfortune was etched solely in her fate. Wiping away her tears, she rose from the bed with resolve, determined to seek solace in prayer. How often we humans display ingratitude; at the slightest misstep, we cast blame upon our Creator. Yet, perhaps these trials, these tribulations that weigh upon us like burdensome shackles, serve a greater purpose beyond our comprehension. They may be the tests through which our faith is measured, or the crucibles in which our souls are forged, tempered by the flames of adversity into steel of unwavering strength.


Removing the veil from her head, she moved towards the dresser. Her complexion, once radiant, now resembled the pallor of a ghost, her eyes swollen and devoid of vitality, encircled by dark shadows. Her parched lips, cracked as if untouched by water for an eternity. What had happened to her state? When did she turn to this?

Zoned out, she abruptly jerked upon feeling a touch on her hand. Anum looked in her mirror and found Irtaza sliding the ring in her finger. She had left it there, how did he even get it?

She just casted her head down silently, not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

"Anum. I know how you're feeling, but I have forgiven you. Even though, my heart is broken that my wife left me for another man without thinking about our marriage."

She jerked her head upward, her gaze meeting his through the reflection in the mirror.

"But it wasn't entirely your fault. You're naive, Jaan. That bastard manipulated you."

"You're right. I am naive. And you're no better than him, you manipulate me everyday."

His jaw clenched. "I'm better and greater than him in each and everything. Don't take my love for granted."

Her blood boiled at the sound of the word "love" escaping his lips. With a surge of emotion, she rose from the chair, sweeping her arm across the vanity dresser, sending its contents crashing to the floor in a tumultuous cascade.

"You're greater than him in everything? So if he is a bastard then you are a greater bastard!"

"ANUM!" His voice reverberated through the room, causing her to flinch involuntarily.

"And you don't love me. You don't even know what love is, you just lust after my body. You nearly killed me. You disgust me so much."

He fisted his hands tightly.

"What I feel for you cannot even be described in words, but you disgust me to such extends that I rather be Shehreyar's mistress than to live in this hell as your wife because there is no dif-

"Shut your fucking mouth!" He raised his hand in the air to strike her, but stopped midway when he saw her shielding her face.

Anum slowly opened her eyes upon not feeling any pain. Her moist eyes looked towards him. His eyes bloodshot, nostrils flaring. She could feel anger radiating off of him.

"You couldn't even keep your promise yet you claim to love me. You told me that you'll never raise your hand on me again. You're just a liar."

He dropped his hand with a sigh, "I did not hit you."

"You almost did! But why did you stop? Beat me! Go head. It's not like I can do anything against you."

"Anum. Don't force me to do something that I won't, but YOU surely will regret."

"I regret not killing myself last night."

"ANUM! Don't you fucking think about it ever!"

Her body trembled at the sound of his fierce voice.

He pounded his fist against the wall, eliciting a shriek of fear from Anum.

Noticing this, Irtaza cursed himself in his head.

"Baby. Listen to me." He was only able to take a step towards her when she backed herself completed to the wall.

"Don't come close. I don't feel safe with you."

He felt something crush inside him, but ignoring her, he stepped towards her and pulled her in his embrace forcibly. "Jaan. Why can't you see how much I love you? I'm your husband, how could you even say such things? Are you not satisfied with the honor of being my wife?"

"Honor? You don't even treat me close to your wife. I'm no less than a sex-slave to you. Just leave me!" She tried to get out of his arms.

"Leave me!..Let me go!..please.." She finally gave up her feeble attempts to get away from him and broke down into uncontrollable sobs.

"I hate you so much."

"It's okay. My love alone is sufficient for both of us."

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