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"I hope you realize the extent of what you're asking me to do."

I swirled my whiskey glass in subtle circles, staring at the horizon and listening to the ice cubes clash against the glass. The sun was beginning to set and engulfed the sky in an orange hue. I took another sip of alcohol.

"I do. I would never ask anything like this of you if I had somebody else to turn to. News flash, I don't." Justin kicked a stray stone onto the street. One thing about him was that he had a very prominent habit of chewing gum. Judging by the amount of gum he was able to chew in only a week, he had developed an addiction. Guess med students liked to rely on any way to cope with the stress.

Whenever he initiated a more serious conversation, however, he preferred not to chew any gum, as it wouldn't be appropriate given the situation. Therefore, he was compensating the need to chew gum by kicking small stones anywhere he could. I let him be.

"I'm not a protector. You don't want to entrust your sister to someone like me."

"Do you think I haven't thought about this?" Justin gestured to the house and we both turned around to look through the window. He sighed. "Look at her. She trusts everyone blindly and is so forgiving it almost pains me physically." By the kitchen island sat Justin's little sister, Vivian, probably drawing flowers and unicorns — a unicorn-flower, or whatever girls like her did.

From a young age, she dressed in bright colors. Preferably pink and white. Tight shirts and pleated skirts that spun with her every movement. The signature white bow in her hair made her look like the girls I'd see little girls admire on social media.

I shrugged. "She looks fine to me. She's a big girl who can handle herself."

Justin ignores my previous words completely and turns back to properly face me. "Remember that bastard I told you about? Her ex-boyfriend, Carter."

Ah, yes. That pig. How could I forget?

"The one that cheated on her." I mumbled to myself more than anything. As much as I don't think I'll ever find common ground with someone like Vivian, I can't stand unfaithful partners. I have no interest in finding out what went down between the two of them that is preventing Vivian from kicking his balls. I don't snoop around in other people's business unless it directly involves mine.

But if a guy ever cheated on my sister, that is if I had one, I would see red. Not in the irrational and uncontrolled way Justin would. I would draw out the last breath he takes. Carve him out myself, sweet and slow.

"Exactly, if I ever see him again, I will strangle him to death! He is still stalking her. Following her every move. I had to beat him up just last week at the mall because he kept trying to get her to forgive him."

A muscle ticked in my jaw and I raised the glass up to my lips. Justin ran a hand across his face in frustration. "Knowing her, it will only be a matter of time before she forgives him because she doesn't know any better."

Stupid girl.

"On top of her psycho ex stalking her, there is always someone asking her out." Justin sighs so heavily it almost makes me think that something was actually paining him physically. "Guys are all over her and I'm scared that a simple 'no' won't be enough someday."

Even though Justin's sister was someone I wouldn't usually go for, I saw the appeal she'd have towards men. A conventionally cute face, soft features, pale skin and a small body with just the right amount of curves to have a horde of men drooling after her.

I sighed. The thought of my sister being in her situation was enough to convince me. "Fine. I'll look after her."

I would've never agreed to it if I wasn't aware that Justin had enough to worry about. As a surgical resident, he will be on emergency call for the following months, meaning that he will only get a limited amount of sleep. No need to burden him any further by having him worry about his own sister.

Justin turned to me, sporting a bright smile with his eyes shining like a kid who just got offered a bar of chocolate. I knew what he was about to do, so I backed up.

"If you think we're about to hug, forget about the deal."

That made him back up immediately, like a puppy that was just scolded by its owner.

"You owe me big time."

"Dude, I owe you everything I have. Thank you!" He grinned at me with that big stupid smile that had girls swooning all over him at frat parties. If he weren't my best friend, I would've knocked that smile off of his face a long time ago.

"But." His voice now serious all of a sudden. I knew what was about to come. Some big brother speech about keeping my hands off his sister. "If you try to woo her, kiss her, or so much just touch her the wrong way, I will kill you."

As if.

I held back my chuckle to spare his ego. I'd like to keep his little fantasy of being able to beat me alive for a little longer. I brought the glass back up to my lips and my eyes fell back on Vivian's figure in the kitchen, still sitting cross-legged on the kitchen stool while she concentrated on the papers in front of her. Countless of papers and pens were scattered all over the kitchen island. Seriously, didn't she have a desk in her bedroom or something?

My eyes continued to rake over her small back. She wore a white off the shoulder top and put her hair up with a pink clip. My gaze fell to the exposed patch of pale skin for longer than anticipated.

I wasn't blind. She's pretty. But I like my women experienced and sure of themselves. Vivian had always been a timid girl. Yeah, I think I'll have an easy time keeping my hands from her.

"You don't need to worry about that. She's not my type."

Justin shifted beside me. "She better not be."

Over my dead body.

Frost in December - My Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now