Chapter 5: Tears

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I kept stealing glances at the clock on the wall, unable to shake the nagging feeling that something was off. Vivian usually breezed into my office by now, her infectious energy filling the space with odd familiarity. But today, the minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, each passing second amplifying the silence that hung in the air.

Where the hell was she?

I frowned, drumming my fingers impatiently on the polished surface of my desk. The workload of papers on said desk was long forgotten. Why was I so fixated on her arrival? It wasn't like Vivian was obligated to come to my office every day. Yet, somehow, her absence felt wrong. Like something was missing. An unsettling reminder of just how much I had grown accustomed to her presence.

As the clock inched closer to the hour, my impatience got the better of me. The minutes dragged on, each one stretching into an eternity.

Finally, the door to my office creaked open, and I looked up, relief flooding through me at the sight of Vivian's familiar figure. A grin creeped up to my mouth.

"If it isn't—"

But my words promptly died on my tongue and the relief turned back to concern as I took in the tear streaks covering her otherwise pretty, pink cheeks, her normally bright eyes dulled with sadness.

"Who did this to you?" I asked in a low, cautious voice. She hesitated for a moment before sinking into her usual spot on my couch, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion.

I stood up and made my way over to her in quick strides. Vivian wiped her tears with the back of her hand as soon as she saw me approaching.

"Dimples," I tried again. She refused to look me in the eyes. I sighed and kneeled down in front of her to match her height.

Today was a much colder day. Her white sweater covered half of her hands and helped her wipe her tears. Her black shoes and white leg warmers still had a few droplets of water on them. I didn't even notice it had started raining.

I stood up and quickly searched my shelves. When I found a fluffy grey blanket that I used to keep on the couch for Justin whenever he crashed in my office, I walked back to Vivian and draped the blanket over her lap, covering her short skirt. Hopefully she will stop shivering soon.

I sat back down. "Did something happen on your way here? Anyone touch you inappropriately?" The mere thought of a man touching her against her will had my jaw ticking in blind rage.

Vivian shook her head, her slightly damp hair bouncing along with her. I exhaled in relief.

"Was it Carter?" The mention of her ex-boyfriend ignited a sour feeling. Vivian laughed, although a little choked because she had been crying. "No? But weird that you know about him."

She searched my eyes for something and I let her. "It's Justin," she murmured, her voice barely louder than a whisper. "He moved away to California for his surgical residency."

That was today? Shit.

"I just said goodbye to him at the airport." Vivian sniffled and something close to my heart tightened uncomfortably. Someplace I hadn't felt something in so long.

I felt a pang of sympathy in my chest as I listened to her speak, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air. Justin was her closest ally since birth, they had always been joking about being "partners in crime". But he was also my friend. Someone who was easy to befriend and talk to. And now, he was miles away, embarking on a new chapter of his life without her by his side.

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