Chapter 10: Fitting Room

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I decided to go to the store that Madelin's grandma owned. Back in high school, her Nana cut me the most gorgeous dress I had ever laid eyes on.

We stopped in front of the store and Kaden shot me a look. "Are you sure you don't want to go back and—"

"Yes! Yes I'm sure. Let's just go in," I cut him off with a huff.

As I stepped into the elegant but simple boutique, the tinkling of a bell greeted me, signaling my arrival. The warm embrace of familiarity enveloped me as I spotted Madelin's grandmother, Mrs. Venge, behind the counter. Despite her age, she exuded a vibrant energy that never failed to lift my spirits.

"Vivian, darling, it's so wonderful to see you!" Mrs. Venge exclaimed, her smile radiant as she beckoned me over. "How have you been, my dear?"

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me in her presence that I hadn't felt in so long. "I've been well, thank you, Mrs. Venge. How about yourself?"

"Oh, you know me, always keeping busy," she chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But enough about me, let's talk about you! What brings you to the shop today with such a handsome gentleman?" Her gaze locked on Kaden.

I blinked. She thinks we're a couple. "No! No, we're not dating," I denied quickly. She nodded at our interlocked hands, a mocking reminder that I wouldn't believe myself either. When did that even happen?! I untangled my fingers from his, immediately missing their warmth. I glared at him and he raised an eyebrow at me, his lips quirking up in a faint smirk.

"And who may you be, young man?" Mrs. Venge asked. "My name is Kaden, it's a pleasure to meet you," he answered respectfully. Mrs. Venge smiled warmly.

"Now, back to you, my dearest. What are you looking for?"

I glanced around the boutique, my gaze landing on the stunning array of dresses displayed on racks and mannequins alike. Each telling their own story instead of looking like plain manufactured dupes.

"I'm in need of a dress for an upcoming event," I explained and glanced at Kaden. "Something that wouldn't make people question my fashion choices."

Kaden pursed his lips and Mrs. Venge laughed heartily. "I am sure nobody does. My dear, you always look so beautiful with that bow in your hair," she cooed as her hand ran along my loosely curled dark hair.

Mrs. Venge then nodded in understanding, her eyes scanning the selection thoughtfully. "But of course, my dear, you've come to the right place. I have just the thing for you."

She ushered Kaden and I into the lounge. Kaden took a seat outside of my fitting room while I waited for Mrs. Venge to return. She returned moments later with two extravagant dresses draped over her arm.

"I have two beautiful dresses that would suit you perfectly," she declared, her smile widening as she handed them to me. "Why don't you try them on and see what you think?"

She stepped closer to me, "And maybe parade them on front of your boyfriend, too." I flushed a bright shade of pink as I hastily denied her assumptions. "He's not my boyfriend!" I protested, but she pretended to not hear me.

Despite my embarrassment, I thanked her profusely, feeling a surge of excitement as she left the fitting room. I slipped into the first dress, feeling the luxurious fabric cascade around me like a soft embrace.

The gown hugged my curves delicately, its intricate lace detailing adding a touch of sophistication to the indigo ensemble. As I twirled in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. This dress was elegant and timeless, the perfect choice for the opening event.

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