Chapter 12: Settling

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I stepped into the bakery on my first day of work, a wave of nervous excitement washed over me. The aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries enveloped me, filling the air with a comforting warmth that eased my nerves. Avery and Felix were already there, bustling about behind the counter, their faces lit up with smiles as they greeted me.

"Morning, Vivian!" Avery chirped, her blonde hair bouncing with each energetic movement. "Glad you could join us!"

"Good morning!" Felix added, his French accent adding a touch of elegance to his words. "We've got a lot to do today, but don't worry, we'll show you the ropes," he said enthusiastically and winked at me playfully.

I smiled gratefully at them, feeling a surge of gratitude for their warm welcome. Despite the nerves that still fluttered in my stomach, I knew that I was in good hands with Avery and Felix by my side.

Together, we set to work preparing for the day ahead. Avery showed me how to operate the espresso machine, her cheerful banter helping to ease my nerves as we brewed fresh cups of coffee for the early morning customers. Felix, meanwhile, guided me through the process of baking the morning pastries, his expert hands shaping dough with practiced precision.

As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a golden glow over the bakery, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within me. This was my new home, my new workplace, and I was determined to make the most of it.

Throughout the morning, customers began to trickle in, drawn by the irresistible scent of freshly baked goods wafting through the air. Avery and Felix worked tirelessly behind the counter, their enthusiasm infectious as they greeted each customer with a warm smile and a friendly word.

I watched in awe as they effortlessly juggled orders, their movements fluid and graceful as they danced around each other in perfect harmony. It was clear that they were more than just coworkers—they were a team, united by a shared passion for baking and a dedication to providing the best possible experience for their customers.

As the morning rush began to subside, Avery and Felix finally had a moment to catch their breath. I approached them tentatively, a sense of excitement bubbling within me as I waited for their feedback on my performance.

"We did great, guys!" I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling with pride. "I'm so glad to have you as coworkers. I was worried I get some stuck up humorless people."

Felix nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Indeed," he said, placing a hand on my lower back supportively. "I have no doubt that we will absolutely rock this!" Avery added. I beamed at their enthusiasm, feeling a swell of confidence swell within me.

As the morning rush began to wind down at the bakery, a familiar trio walked through the door, their presence injecting a burst of energy into the cozy space. Madelin, as composed as ever, led the way, her sharp gaze sweeping over the room before settling on me with a warm smile.

My first assumption about her was that she would probably be an arrogant bitch, but she turned out to be the sweetest girl. Her looks didn't quite match her personality.

"Vivian, there you are," she exclaimed, her voice carrying across the bakery with effortless grace. "We couldn't wait any longer to come and see you in action!"

Alessia, followed close behind shyly, her gentle smile betraying the excitement in her eyes. And bringing up the rear was Amber, her vibrant red hair a stark contrast to the muted tones of the bakery and her walk bursted with confidence.

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