Ask And Ye Shall Recieve

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The shuttle landed with Wales and the others waiting below. They had received the report of the success of the mission as well as the retrieval of a strategic asset. But there was something that piqued their interests and that was that they apparently recovered two Kansen that the Sakura Empire had captured and that they were bringing them back.

"Who do you think they brought back? I don't remember any of our own being listed as captured" Enty said.

"I concur. Although they have said that they are friendly and are willing to fight with us. I suppose we should get to know them better with a tea party?" Asked Illustrious.

Wales chuckled at Illustrious' question. She always had a thing for hosting tea parties. She always was a pure hearted person in mind and soul.

"I believe they will be of great assistance if what is said about them to be true. Ah, here they come now"

The shuttle door opened with Sheffield and Edinburgh exiting first, container in hand.

"We have returned, Miss Wales. Mission completed" Stated Sheffield.

Wales nods, smiling "Excellent work. About the prisoners you freed...?"

"Right over here, Miss Wales" She looks to see Enterprise with another person and a-

"Siren!" Enty immediately deploys her rigging and wields her bow, ready for a fight.

"Whoa whoa whoa! She's friendly!" Enterprise immediately put herself infront of Jellyfish waving her hands infront of her.

"I wasn't expecting for there to be this much hostility towards these Sirens that you mentioned, Enterprise. Perhaps I should inquire as to more information regarding them" Said Jellyfish in her usual stoic self.

Jellyfish, in an act that surprised almost everyone present, walked forward despite having a weapon pointed at her.

"Greetings, I am the Vulcan research ship Jellyfish. It has come to my attention that I share the appearance of your enemy and I shall state that I share no relation to them despite my appearance. I may also state that I wish to have a positive relationship for both political and scientific endeavors between both of our factions and that we put this incident behind us" She stated calmly.

The welcoming committee stood frozen in a stupor. Here came this Siren lookalike who claimed not to be a Siren but of a different alien race entirely and wanted to seek peaceful relations.

Jellyfish started speaking again "I realize and am aware that me proposing this is in stark opposition to the Prime Directive which colloquially states that contact with a pre-warp society is strictly forbidden as to not interfere with the natural scientific evolution of said society. But present circumstances have shown that cooperation with the native population is necessary for our survival and subsequent return to Starfleet and the Federation. I sincerely ask, if not beg, that we join in an alliance that will be mutually beneficial to both parties" She bows slightly, waiting for a reply.

Wales opened her mouth to say something, yet no words were formed. She was at a genuine loss of what to say. A minute later, everyone had gathered their thoughts.

"We sincerely apologize for Enterprise's little outburst. Indeed this has been but a misunderstanding on our part and once again we apologize. We have all been on edge due to the nature of the mission as well as the fact that when two unknown Kansen were reported to have been rescued. I am Prince of Wales, the stand-in commander of this base. We welcome you, miss Jellyfish"

Jellyfish straightened herself and nodded before returning to Enterprise's side.

"So no problems between us?" Stated the second new Kansen as she exited the shuttle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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