January 10th

14 4 0

Ever since you moved in my mom hasn't left me alone.

"You should go make a friend" she keeps saying and I swear every time she either (A) chooses to ignore my eye roll or (B) doesn't see it.

It's not like I'm annoyed by you (no, that's not even it, okay?) it's more or so that I was nervous as hell to meet you.

You lived right across the street from me. So close yet so far.

Too close for comfort. I was afraid if we were any closer I'd do something stupid- I always am but after my Mom's thousandth "you should make friends " talk, I went across the street to appease her.

I swear my mom's completely incapable of understanding that just because there's another fifteen-year-old girl across the street doesn't automatically make her fifteen-year-old daughter that fifteen-year-old's best friend.

Still, with anxiety swimming in my stomach I knocked on your door.

And you appeared.

And you smiled at me. I can't say all my fears were erased then, but after you said, "oh hey Winnie" (you knew my name), "wanna hang?" They slowly began to melt away.

- Winnie

. . .
March 2nd

Wanna know something equally as funny? My mom had been asking about you (she felt guilty) and I had been obsessing over ways to talk to you long before you'd showed up at my door step.

I didn't know what to say when you did so I just said the first thing that came to mind, "wanna hang?" It was so corny and predictable- but you're so fucking cute that it's hard to focus.

- Brooke

All The Things I wish I'd SaidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora