February 6th

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"Who's your crush?" You ask. We were sitting in art fifth period making little paper roses for the valentine's dance.

"N-no one" I lie.

You look at me and poke out your bottom lip and god you look cute.

"You're always talking about a dorito- I wanna know who" you give me the biggest puppy dog eyes ever and I contemplate then and there if I should tell you Dorito's your code name and I like you and that I talk about it to Stella because she's the only person I've ever came out to.

I decide against it.

I don't want to ruin what we have.

- Winnie

March 2nd

You gave me a code name???

Since the end of January I started to obsess over two things, your crush and kissing you and if I couldn't do one I at least wanted to know the other.

- Brooke

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